O&J Listening Thread - 2/22/16

3  2016-02-22 by silks322


Stop listening already

No, we need these soldiers to tell us when something goes down


My thoughts exactly.

These obsessed faggots still listen. Yuck.

Listen we come to this subreddit every day for a show that's been dead for 2 years. It's the pot calling the kettle sherrod.

Fairer words have never been spoken.

Good boy! Want a treat?

Go suck Lamar's feet, faggot.

Nothing is happening. They are talking about politics without any knowledge or entertainment value. It's so inane it's hard to pay attention. Sometimes Jimmy wakes me up with a halfhearted attempt at something funny but it's instantly drowned out by Opie's babble and I just lose focus again. It's almost hypnotic how your mind turns off completely and surrenders to the meaningless sounds of chatter.

They are talking about politics without any knowledge or entertainment value. It's so inane it's hard to pay attention.

O&J in the morning.

You know, I realized this today. More and more I find myself taking something these dullards say and spinning it off into my own shitty train of thought, because it's literally 10x more interesting than what they're talking about. Next thing you know 20 minutes have gone by and I'm pulling into work, and I couldn't tell you one thing O&J have said.

Jimmy and Tom Papa saying Trump has never outlined any policy..... https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions

Yeah Jim, go to FH Riley's where you can be ignored like your former partner...

Do we need an hour of fucking political talk every single day????


Filling hours, bruthaman

Doin' radio since I was 18.

FA la la la la laaaaaa

Are we doing this today?? Fawk yeah!! I am down and have work to avoid!


I wanna puke every time Jimmy says the word "relapse" without any hint of irony.

Did somebody slip him a scoop of rum raisin ice cream? The poor dear.

Good thing Jim has the willpower of a shaolin monk to be able to stave off his crippling illness.

Jimmy and his stance on cooking with wine / booze thing is so hilariously misinformed and it truly infuriates me.

Ah Jesus I haven't heard that one, care to enlighten?

he won't eat things that use alcohol in the recipe from what I understand, which doesn't even matter. the idiot thinks you can get hammered off a wine sauce

So we finally have a day without Sherrod, and Tom Papa comes in....

They're turning into a Down Syndrome Glenn beck show

ME: I only cry on air when I feel America needs to cry, Jimbo.


I really needed you that day America...

What does Tom Papa add to the show? Like it needs any more weak unfunny douche energy...

he's probably the most famous person in the room at this point.

You're the meaning in my life

You're the inspiraaaation

so good...

You bring feeling to my life

You're the inspiraaaation

I have a question Mueller.


Are those lyrics to the songs that opie plays at the start of the shows each day? I don't listen to that diarrhea so I'm just wondering. I quite enjoy your eclectic tastes, if youre just posting at random. If those were opies songs though, obviously they're dogshit.

I don't even know. I don't listen. Every morning I guess and wait for someone to tell me I'm right. I've yet to be correct

Can opie not fucking interrupt someone nonstop ever?


ME: I've got to check out this Belatar

Tom Papa makes up stuff with no actual evidence then gets questioned on it and pretends like he made a good point. Enough of his bullshit. Gotta love him acting like either party has a good candidate running. He's such a dopey liberal cunt.

Tom Papa is by no means a good representation of a liberal ideology; rather he regurgitates things he's heard that scares him. If he were a real liberal, while discussing how dangerous Trump is for foreign policy, he'd expose that there is no bigger war monger neo con than Hillary Clinton who based on her track record is by far is the most dangerous candidate for foreign policy; there's never been a war (or illegal US invasion of a sovereign nation) that she didn't passionately support.

For all of his stupidity, trump is the only nigga up there who has said it would be a good thing to disengage from Clintons projects like Syria and let the Russians spend their blood on it. He's less war-prone than even sanders is, because sanders still represents a district that relies heavily on pentagon contracts for work. Gotta punch that sirius clock every damn day though, brothaman.

Well said, sir.

Did Opie just say "Look at other picture where he's crotching down" ??

Did he say Benetar? for reals...

Why bother

Another Opie deep track to start the show.

Anyone having trouble with the app*? On demand wasn't working over the weekend, now it's not even letting me log in.

*I subscribe exclusively for Bennington. I haven't listened to this shit show in a year.

PalTalk express. And someone posted a stream

App is working fine for me. And I don't subscribe at all, free 30-day trials ftw.

Lets talk about one good basketball team dominating an obviously weak league...




Tom Pappa doesn't want America great again.


Fucking Chuck...

My thoughts exactly.

These obsessed faggots still listen. Yuck.

Doin' radio since I was 18.

No, we need these soldiers to tell us when something goes down