"We're just friends"

48  2016-02-22 by [deleted]


here comes the pre

Gets me every single fucking time.


I fucking love JimBOBO. Has he got a twitter account?

This is fantastic

the psychotic determined expression on his face just screams friendship

His smile is so fucking disturbing. He must be really depressed to smile so unnaturally.

2016 Jimmy is practically indistinguishable from kirk.

He pretends to despise a character like that, but deep down that's really what he wants.

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You know Jimmy secretly wants something to be there, but it just will never happen. She probably has some chiseled boyfriend on the side, but the worm will still think he has a chance.

What a fucking dullard he has become. Ugh.

It's the way the eyes dont match the smile that creeps me the fuck out.

Jim Norton is 50 and no one in Hollywood cares about him yet.

Oh come now. Judd Apatow is punching up that script as we speak. He's gonna take this kid to the top!

Norton will be rubbing elbows with Brad Pitt, Nicole Kidman and Leonardo DiCaprio in no time!

Don't forget about the part that Kevin Smith is writing JUST FOR JIMMY!

Blinky McAwkwardhands?


"Blinky McAwkwardhands"....That is the cartoon that will take yimmy to the top, not that "chip" shit

He also has a starring role on Erock's time travel blockbuster.

I forgot about Erock's "Totally NOT A Back to the Future Ripoff Time Travel Movie That Definitely Has Nothing to Do With Back to the Future Movie Film".

I thought it was called Hamburger Sliders.

Hah! I always go back to Ron's combination of loyalty to friends combined with an addicts ability to convincingly lie when he said he truly believes (when they did the promo for "Trainwreck") that America will fall in love next with Jim Norton.

Everyone on this board has the same pull in Hollywood as Jim does.

He looks like his breath stinks

Well,when u puke out 2/3 meals a day,that's bound to happen

It just dawned on me that Jim must be jealous of Vos being with Bonnie.

Who the fuck isn't?

She's a size queen, why else would she marry a horse?


Tsss...yeah what do live in a haunted house or sumpthin

Vos is fucking beautiful, no homo.

God made him a manlet with turtle hands so the rest of us could still get laid.

Of the big two's downward spirals, Jim's has been far worse.

He's a massive faggot.


Jimmy put in all those hours to lose the weight, and still, no one will fuck him without money being exchanged

He forgot to replace it with any muscle. He went from being skinny fat into skinny child body.

Jim looks like an alien in humans skin and makes that 7 look like a 9.

No wonder he's always asking Kenny for sugar water

There's something disturbingly feminine and unnatural about seeing jim smile in a picture, he should stick to angry jimmy

He really does have an uncomfortable smile.

Look at that Roots of Fight hoodie. Real tough guy!

Friend zoned yim yim awwww

Friendzoned Jimmy is the worst Jimmy. That, or they go shopping and talk about boys. Either way, and any way you cut it...this is cringe.

That whole story someone posted where he went somewhere up north with a girl to look at windmills (or something equally odd) and he kept maintaining that he had no interest in her was like nails on a chalkboard. He's doubled down on his beta personality by paying women (and men) all these years, so at this point he stinks at relationships. He'll eventually latch on to some chick, get married, he'll creep her out shortly, and will get divorced. Only then will we see Jimmy finally come out like Fez did.

He can have someone to go candle shopping with

and they can always have a nice brunch together

She's just opening for him on the tour, I thought they might be dating then I realized, she could have any guy she wants, why would she choose a worm?

Why would she sleep her way to the bottom of this industry?

It should literally be called the Hole n' Cuck tour

She's so hot it makes me angry, so I can only imagine how lil jimmy's feeling. Must be torture. Poor guy :)

hhahahahahahaha, nice

Doesn't she have a boyfriend comedian.. That's got to be uncomfortable for him. Jimmy trying to worm his way into her. I wouldn't blame him either.

Don't worry. Club Soda Kenny is never more than five feet away from Norton. That boyfriend had better CALM DOWN and WATCH OUT.

Hope her boyfriend is not black.

Well no shit, I don't think anybody here is a fan of race mixers.

Why? You feel bad for a black guy catching AIDS from a white trans? That's racist.

I hope he is so Norton has something to jerk off about.

Judging by that disgusting look on the worms face I can say this will end in a rape-murder suicide.

Jim is such a weird little pervert that I wouldn't doubt he somehow gets off on being "friend zoned." Like it makes the relationship more inappropriate that he's lusting after her.

i just farted, and getting a whiff of my gas while looking at that pic leads me to believe she probly stinks. nasty gutter bitch.


those eyes say, "I'm going to masturbate to you later."

"It's just HIV"

Why on Earth are their faces so close together. It's really unnerving.

Why? Cause they're good friends!

Looks like Posh Spice with bells palsy.


What a wormy move. Another failure Jimmy.

god.. he just doesn't know how hideous he really is... plus hes a manlet

He's beginning to look like Rickles.

CRIPES, Last night I came back to this god awful picture of thin lips and round face, and just couldn't get over the odd closeness of their faces. The tiny gap between their cheeks is absolutely sickening to me, that gap says SO MUCH, its all I can see. like zoom in on it, it's a strikingly purposeful chasm brought about by the shocking awkwardness and codependency of these two repulsive individuals. Seriously, just bang or one of you cut the others throat, this is pathetic and sad

here comes the pre

Gets me every single fucking time.

This is fantastic


Why? Cause they're good friends!

I fucking love JimBOBO. Has he got a twitter account?