4  2016-02-22 by EskimoEscrow


Did the man who invent college go to college?!??¡¿

Why do I still come here if I now hate everyone involved with the O&A universe ?

cause you're fat


Why can't we see air?

HOLD AAAHN, let's set this up real nice, so what we know is that air can't be actually seen, but the point of what I'm trying to say is whyyyy?

What is smoke? Think about it.

Just had a great idea...smoke pants.

pants you wear while smoking? or smokable pants?
ffffuuuck, thats the angle

(Everyone realizes Opie is completely wrong so they try to talk to him like he's 5 to explain it then give up and remain silent while he makes a fool of himself)

I was curious myself. Air (oxygen) is constantly boiling, so it's in gas form. If you want to "see" air, you have to freeze it.

Where do the rats in New York City live?? We only ever see them running away from us, but they CLEARLY live somewhere in the end. SNIFF. Jimmy, you ever seen these rats in New York? They're FAWWKIN scary, some of em! <cut to eight different camera angles of Tits and the Stangels laughing uproariously> I think some of these rats could just kill a baby if they wanted to! <Jimmy starts doing Uncle Paul> .................................................Chuck in Tennessee wants in badly, he says they have something called "Nutria" down there, CHUCKIE!!!!!!

Nutria, that's a kind of sable right?

They're called nutria, they must be nutritious, right? I mean, why else would they call them that? Justin, see if we can get some nutria in studio.

Where are you at with this whole "gravity" thing?

Gravity is ffffffufuuuuucked up man. Like, what if there was a spot on Earth where gravity just decided not to work? Like, "eh, I'm not gonna work in this volcano and you can float here." Think about it, I mean what the eff?!?

Like hear me out man just listen; when people are born deaf what does the voice in their head sound like? Think about it

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So if the machines in the Matrix just wanted to use humans as batteries, wouldn't it have been way easier to just use cows or something?

If you really want the answer, that was just the humans explanation. Either Morpehus was incorrect, or he was lying. The robots were using their minds for computational power, not actual energy. Additionally the humans started fucking with the robots and ruined their solar energy, so the robots put the humans in deep storage until it was determined they could be released to the earth again without waging more war against the computers. They were actually preserving and cultivating the human race, and the rebels were the jerks who were incorrectly ruining it for all the humans being stored. The Matrix was also there to try and contain the deviants. Finally, if you watched the Animatrix, you'd know that there were giant fuckin' peckas and the Matrix was powered by electric pecka loads DVV DVV

I guess also it would've been a boring movie if the entire Matrix mindscape was a big field with plenty of grass.

I mean whoa, pot talk, mind blown etc

Agreed, plus it's got the pot talk vibe of "we're just prisoners in our own minnnd mannnn"

Nerd alert!

I'm assuming you didn't read the whole thing.

Was the rest of it not true?

What is in salt water that makes our bodies reject it so much????

Have you ever noticed famous people die more than normal people do? What's up with THAT?

9\11 was an inside job MAANNN



How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

I reread that sentence ten times with my fake eyes.

And what about the muff divers? Think about it!


Was the rest of it not true?