My favorite clip of Ron mocking Opie.

40  2016-02-21 by suchanjv

Tits: "Well there's a joke there somewhere I'm still tryinn uh, kinda uh put together."

Ron: "Yeah don't hurt yourself."


If they did a show together Ron would turn Opie into Fez in 2 weeks.

It's amazing Opie had the balls to lay into Fez Fucking Whatley the way he did. Sure, Fezzie had a rough few final years. But Fez in his prime was machine gun of awesomeness. Opie should have had some respect for Big Cat.

Who do I have to suck and fuck to make that happen?


What, ya lockin up there opie?

I...just....ummmm....*burp.......I got nuttin

...isn't a ......stand alone.... boob

Opie is too stupid to realise that he's one of the "puppets".

The intro song in that video was Master of Puppets by Metallica

My point was that he called Ron the master of puppets, not realising he's one of the dummies he thinks Ron is controling.

Yeah Ron shoulda been a ventriloquist or something i dunno I'm just riffin

One of my favorites is Opie saying he can't take his kids to the park anymore because of the weather and Ron goes yeah kids hate playing in the snow

He rolled right over it too. If it was anyone other than Ron he would of called them out in his usual high pitched fashion, ugh.

Its funny to see opies barley comprehending dumb brain encounter a situation where he HAS to shut up. Like a cow that doesnt know what the electric fence is all about but knows it hurts to touch it

Opies barley is funny.




Also rolled right past "I didn't know there were youtube stars", because if there weren't, the ultimate goal in his life wouldn't exist.

For being such a huge fan of Ron and always talking about how hilarious and brilliant Ron is - Opie sure gave him no mind and rolled right through a hilarious Ron line. Fucking fetal alcohol syndrome idiot.

Like everything he likes, he just says Rons brilliant because he hears Jim, Ant and others say it.

My favorite was when Sam and Ron were talking about hip-hop and Sam mentioned Dre. Ron immediately says "Oh, I forgot about Dre", Sam says "yeah, everyone's acting like they got something to say". Opie then says "good old Dre....". In the silence that followed their was a gulp from Ronnie as he swallowed what he wanted to say.

Yes, my favorite as well! It was less of a gulp and more of a "hrmm." So subtle and perfect.

I have never heard this one, please link kind sir

It was a no-anthony episode with Ron sitting in, again, my memory fails me as to when. I would love to hear it myself.

Anyone got a link? I just need a taste. I'm all in


5:50 - Opie tries to relate to Ron. Stopped going to church cause he got all in with the cocaine. Holy Fuck.

Ronnie makes fun of his attempt at a joke, tits response is: "It was a concept there, we just kinda had to craft it into something."

I swear to god he deserves to die more than anyone else from history. Fuck all the other universes too. Kill this nigger first.

"Hahaheheheehe, there's the joke." Opie's a fucking bag of shit.

Ron loves Opie and this is him shitting on him as a friend in good fun. People realize this right? If you called into Ron's show and shit on Opie he would rip you apart.

I...just....ummmm....*burp.......I got nuttin

...isn't a ......stand alone.... boob