RightWing vs LeftWing for an O&A refugee

0  2016-02-21 by [deleted]

I want judgment. I wont kill myself regardless of how thoroughly insulted I am so try real hard.

I'm left wing because I've always done jobs that require physical labor and I've never been paid much. 19.5/hr was probably the best I've done. I hate that people who do nothing, contribute nothing but have a shitty .5 million$ liberal arts education from some shitty ivy league school that they could get for free by being curious on the internet are considered worthwhile while I'm considered exactly shit. So I want them taxed and I'd like to see those taxes used to build spaceships and fast trains. That's the little-girl / left-wing fantasy of mine.

I'm right wing because I live around black people and I get it. They're really fucked up and anyone that gets welfare and then has another kid should starve to death. I also hate overly sensitive people and the left has been hijacked by those bitch-ass motherfuckers. It used to be about money, now it's about self esteem for rich fat cunts. I think it's a false flag.

What do you think? Should I kill myself?


Yep anyone who doesn't take a little from the left and a little from the right is a bullshitter

Totally agree:

Liberals: Either want to get difficult worthwhile things done OR brainless SJWs who know nothing about the world.

Conservatives: Either want to be realistic about getting worthwhile things done OR born on third base and think they hit a triple

Trump supporters: diehard reality TV fans

I treat politics like a buffet!

And that's exactly why I don't like Milo. Listen to him on Rogan. He lines up behind every single right-wing position you throw at him. I support his anti-SJW work, but not a lot else about him.

Him and Gavin's pretend to be Christian act is the most transparent bullshit I've ever heard

They're just being contrarian faggots. Entertaining contrarian faggots, I might add

you mean people who make their money from political views might be telling people what they want to hear?

So he's a bullshitter, you might say.

no he's making money by telling people what they want to hear.

I say we should all kill ourselves, let's set a date for our very own Heaven's Gate sendoff. I vote for Steve Madden as the shoe choice, they're comfortable and stylish for the faggots that we are.


Pick your favorites, gang.

It's a fat girl shoe.

I vote for the Jaromir2 in silver. God, I remember I almost bought a pair of gold colored Nike's that were in the Jordan's style about five years back. I was coming off a painkiller addiction and had gotten about 8 hours of sleep in a week and the withdrawals and sleep deprivation were making me delusional. The fat black bitch at Foot Locker looked at me in disgust, then came out the back with a pair of black and red shoes that were a size too short in the same style, to which I responded by leaving the store. Thank god that cunt didn't want to sell me the shoes or didn't have them in stock, I would've thrown them in the trash once I got a good nights sleep and was sober.

You're either going super deep in a movie or book reference that is over my head or you work in a shoe store. I'm stopped short regardless.

I work in a shoe store cuz I went to a shoe store to buy shoes? What? And the Jaromir2 is a shitty shoe in the link that I provided, the rest is a true story.

You expect people to read about shoes from a link you provided?

edit: you do sell shoes. Admit it. Al Bundy motherfucker

Fuck you faggot, I'm unemployed.

me too. My girlfriend takes care of my minimal expenses.

And yet you look down on the lowly shoe salesman. Tsk tsk, fawkin cawksuckah.

I'm not looking down. I think it's funny that you're obsessed with shoes faggot!

I'm obsessed with FEET, there's a difference.

That difference smells funny to me.

I'll take a job as a shoesalesman in an all-white shopping center.

See, the sad thing about a guy like you is, in 50 years you're gonna start doin' some thinkin' on your own and you're going to come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life: one, don't do that, and two, you dropped 150 grand on a fuckin' education you could have got for a dolla' fifty in late charges at the public library!

I thought I made it clear that I paid nothing for whatever education I have. I'm Tiny Tim, you cocksucker. Plus in 50 years I'll be way dead.

I know... that's from Good Will Hunting... your first paragraph where you complained about people getting a half a million dollar education that they could have gotten for free by surfing the internet reminded me of that... Parallel thinking, are you?

I'm sorry. That reference totally escaped me. What was he thinking? 50 years makes that guy at least 70. What realizations do people have at 70? They don't get better at driving for one.

Edit: You should read Howard Zinn's - History of Fuckheads on Reddit. - That'll peel your fuckin scalp back.

Yeah... I'd assume at 70 I'd spend most of my time realizing that I'm gonna die soon.

Or worrying about your next toilet experience.

Zinn is an anti American communist piece of shit, get out of here with that

Make me, faggot.

Don't have to, you're poor, uneducated and easily manipulated.

After you empty the right wing shit out of your carry along, maybe you could explain it again? Some of the words you used went right through me. Dumb it down for me a little.

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Toottely doo . . toot toot. I really suck at this.

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Too late. Already dead. I'm haunting this sub.

There is no right wing or left wing politicians drift towards the center as election day approaches to appeal to the masses and our system is designed so no radical policy changes can ever be enacted and the same shit will keep going on forever. Its really silly to get overly passionate about partisan politics

Who's getting silly? Partisan politics means belonging to one side or the other of an issue. You don't know what words mean yet. Retreat back awhile and read some. Then start using words properly. Love to have you back.

Go dig a ditch and leave the intellectual discussion alone you piece of shit

A piece of shit managed to figure out your language and now calls you a cum guzzler.

nah you're pretty much like me, there is no point picking sides and battling out real issues like it was some sport. People who choose sides and then go all out with that side are retarded plebs. Anthony going into climate debate shows how retarded his mind has become


Trump is fucking the current system sideways. Both parties hate him, so I love him. He is the only option. GET ON BOARD.

If it's between Clinton and Trump, I'll go Trump. I'd rather vote for Sanders.

Edit: not that any of that matters. We'll find out what matters when we're forced to fight for food and water.

Why? So Sanders can give you things with money that he took from you?

I make too little to pay taxes. Where do you live? My friends and I would like to pay you a visit and congratulate you on your accomplishments. We'll bring barely legal chicks who will do anything for very little money. PM me . . .

You need more /r/the_donald in your life.

I'd like it if all the people who were fans of money, instead were fans of the people who engineered the shit that allowed people to make money. Maybe fund them instead of the salesmen.

No one is funding him stupid. He is the most self-funded of all of the candidates. Also, the fact that you think I am in some sort of high fucking class because I (Have to) pay taxes is retarded. The fact that YOU can't muster a good enough living (or just be good enough at ANYTHING) to get into a tax bracket is the sad thing.

His father funded him. Then he went bankrupt 3 times and the tax payers funded him. He sells and buys real estate so the bailout funded him. Read between the lines you fucking rube. BTW what have you accomplished? What do you do for a living character?

I'm an engineer. Do you still like engineers?

I mean a minute ago you were talking about how "people who engineered the shit" should make money.

Show me proof. Take a picture of the cap they make you wear.

So you engineer slogans? How about making something worthwhile with your hands? Your mouth is only good as a ditch for fucking cum. Now downvote me for the rest of your life you worthwhile cocksucker!

Sure. First enable me to EARN MORE MONEY, and then take that extra money and GIVE ME NICE PARKS AND INFRASSTRUCTURE, HEALTH CARE, and MY CHILDRENS EDUCATION. Also when WEED IS LEGALIZED the country will be raking in extra money like crazy- and he's the only one that seems committed to doing this. Who really minds paying taxes when the money is SPENT INTELLIGENTLY AND MAKES YOUR LIFE EASIER AND NICER


You think that our tax money has been spent intelligently? Like the middle eastern wars we spent trillions on for nothing except ISIS? Or all the people cheating social services? The ironic thing is that our unwillingness to invest in manpower to properly run social services is the reason so many people are able to cheat it. If we had enough employees (that are compensated well with benefits) to keep up with all these cases than perhaps they can really keep an eye out on everyone using them and actually help them find employment, perhaps have a reliable, safe, and clean daycare for the children, and most importantly cut people off if they aren't meeting their requirements for aid. We also have bridges and roads falling apart when they can be beautiful and strong and provide awesome jobs. Also, programs in schools are constantly being taken away (when it's proven that sports, music, and extra cirricular programs are basically just as important as education itself). Or how about money invested in natural energy so we can lose our dependence on foreign oil and run everything on clean and safe energy and stop being dependent on scum bag countries like Saidi Arabia. There's so many other examples, but in almost every case, we have the right ideas and then squander it all away. Our taxes are spent awfully, and if we just fixed it, man I think we would all be happy and proud to pay taxes

That's what bothers me about him. He was born in my camp and then I see him sucking up to the born-rich crowd. I wanted to think highly of him because he was funny.

Trump is a clown. He's a lifelong democrat but his other worldly narcissism and ego have made him become a fake republican. He is saying absurd racist and downright silly/impossible shit to appeal to the dumbest and lowest people in society. Everything he says is bullshit and stupid and he's the most unqualified-know nothing candidate in history but HES NOT AFRAID TO GO AGAINST PC CULTURE SO HE SHOULD DEFINITELY RUN THE FREE WORLD. His populsrity is all the proof you need that this country is fucked. That dude doesn't give a fuck about any of us, all of this is to quench his insatiable thirst for power

The left have become such gay whiney I'm special SJW entitled faggots

Well, this went about how I expected

You sound like a smart dude and "my kinda guy"

We live in a country where the middle class is getting fucked in the ass by the super rich and fucked in the mouth by the scumbag moochers and we only pick one to blame, instead of both.

How about ANY of you right-wing supermen try and fight me. ANY of you. I'll take on any single one of you. You're not afraid, are you? Send me a PM and we'll set it up. We can let the sub know without anybodies name mentioned. Just our usernames. There are thousands of dojos from here to California that would accommodate us for a very small fee which I would put up myself. Fuck with me in real life you down-voting faggots. If your mom will let you.

My autobot downvoter just woke up! Good morning faggot!

You're either going super deep in a movie or book reference that is over my head or you work in a shoe store. I'm stopped short regardless.

Why? So Sanders can give you things with money that he took from you?