Can we pleeeeease get this sub to attack Lena Dunham?

0  2016-02-21 by JohnBageldy



OandA reddit is not your personal army. There have been a lot of posters lately trying to misdirect everyone to attack people with almost zero connection to the show. I think Opie has hired agents like you to try to get this sub off his back.

She had manufactured hype and the machine has broken down. When the machine breaks down Apatow breaks down.

Listen we can't just go attacking everyone we hate. She annoys me too but we have finite resources at the end of the day. We need to limit are attacks to people who are close to the show that step out of line like Amy or derosa.

she has to look in the mirror doesn't she? that's more horror then this sub could ever induce.

When she goes on Opie and Jimmy, maybe. Otherwise, who gives a fuck about her.

whos lena dunams is?, what r ya jeff dunams wife or sumthin u a fuckin puppit ir sumpthin... fuck

this is the convo nazi generals had about opening up all these fronts.

She is as deserving of hatred as Opetits. Especially as she's now on Cankles' campaign team. Yuck.


I guess the....guess the Ham's done.........tsssss......

No offense but Lena Dunham is just a chubby girl who flashes her flubby wubby belly all the time. Speaking as a chubby chaser (I like fat chicks, not huge but chubby) I get offended by people who want to attack simply because a girl is overweight. An attack is unwarranted unless they try to turn fat jokes into the holocaust. Once they do, it's no holds barred. But she's been reticent on the subject. Unless I'm wrong, in which case I would appreciate a link proving it.

Lena what'd she lose her balance or sumpthn she fucking tippin over or sumpthn

Fuck yes!

I heard she steals jokes
