Bill Burr fucks with opie , opie "gets real" and "fights back"

47  2016-02-21 by Fredrock26

14:15 in Opie starting shit between anthony and bill burr, gets called on it, tries to get "tough", anthony immediately walks on gregshells to do damage control all humor leaves the room


I don't like Opie

I concur

He has breasts.

Say what you will, I miss the Tits and Plugs show.

They are individually placed follicles.

God, I completely forgot about that.

He was equally defensive and over explained his decision to get his teeth filed down and replaced with old man veneer chompers.

What's even funnier is that if he hadn't been successful on the show, he'd be a white trash nobody with a beer gut who is constantly yelling out racial slurs.

Yeah. He'd be that angry bitter drunk regular at a dive bar somewhere in Long Island.


"Don't go after me, brah!"

What a faggot.

Leave it alone. Leave it alone. Trust me, you don't want me to..just leave it alone.

Wow. He actually calls him brah. That's the first time I've heard anyone show-related say that word unironically.

Also "shut UUUUPPP!" like a fucking 7 year old. I'm still hoping someone will find the clip of his brother calling him a cheapskate over the phone, with his equally mature reaction of 'UUUUHHHHHHH!!!!!" - that noise kids make to imply the person they're directing it at is retarded. It came out so fast and aggressively it was obvious it made him acutely pissed. Aside from what it says about him as a person to react that way, the 'UUHH' and the 'shut up!' just sum up his developmental social level.

Uhhhh is this bitches default setting. He is such a simpleton, his motives and actions are so obvious. Fucker is incapable of subterfuge.

He seemed a little scared when Burr didn't back down immediately like most people do. I wonder what would have happened if Anthony didn't immediately throw himself under the bus. If i was Anthony not only would i be glad to have my own little network away from that faggot, but i would already have a Land Before Time-esque amount of Greggshells episodes.

Anthony is the perfect sidekick for Opie's narcissistic, over confident, hypersensitive, annoying ass. Imagine how much more fun the show could've been if Opie had a tiny bit of coolness?! He really was godawful.

Anthony was used to dealing with the bitchy chick. He did it for a few years. Luckily, this breakup didn't cost him money.

? This breakup caused him his entire source of income. He's doing wayne's world now.

Eh, judging by how he still lives life relatively expensively, I'd say he's doing fine. Or he's faking it till he makes it.

oh but it but it did, big time.

He's basically just reliving his life with his wife and stepmother

The O&A Virus is spreading across America!

I hope it's Ebola

He was good in The Wire.


That's one of the worst greggshells I've ever heard. Bob Kelly telling him he has tits number one. This might be number two


Absolutely awesome. Opie even admits "he works hard on them."

Wow that was uncomfortable I'm going to listen to it a few more times

I immediately listened to Opie and the water too.

" Ant's explaining it with science talk but think about it "

Water. The basis of all life on earth. 6 Billion years of both uni and multicellular organisms birthed from this substance.

''When you jump in a pool, WHY ARE YOU WET!? Because all of the water is on you. But then it dries off. Think about it!''

Opie really is so fucking dumb it hurts

Enough with the powt tawlk

i dont usually find bashing opie that funny or interesting. but that was one of the worst things ive ever heard. if a 5 year old child said that i'd punch him in the chest

I don't like your comment. I LOVE IT!!!

He must be having a weed flashback from that time he got an little taste on rogans podcast

ME: listen to this terrific radio

We just did



That's because he's a fucking dickless idiot

I'm not convinced Opie is an adult man.

This is horribly embarrassing.

Said the doctor on answering Mr and Mrs Hughes' query into what gender their bald baby was.

Now I want to see a BaldOpie of young Tits :(


He was about to cry when he went to break. I'll bet they had a little discussion off air

What a sensitive faggot.

I'm starting to slowly accept that Opie doesn't care that he's a stupid, unfunny hack. I thought before that he doesn't know but now I think that he's always known.

It just doesn't matter to him because he's sociopathic.

I liked the part where his insecure voice started to crack.

WOW this is bad. Good find.

You don't even have to high pitched-tits this one,(his fake strainy "angry" guy voice) but it sure would make it better.



Fuck him and his narcissistic ass.

"Oh you wanna play? Let's play!" Anyone got that clip where he said that?

He's said it a thousand times to Vos

Opie is fucking retarded.

Whattya know, high pitched tits.

It's the equivalent of a a friend(burr) insulting your girlfriend(tits) and (ant) trying to avoid a fight

Burr loves stomping on greggshells by the sounds of it.

Heres another incident where he calls out Opie for trying to pit people in the studio against each other to eat up time.

Opie pretends to get over it quickly (even after going into high-pitched tits for a minute), and then he shows he was still mad at Burr around 40:00.

There it is again, he goes high pitched.

ME: What's wrong with that?

We've deconstructed this guy so much it's so predictable now. He does the same shit every time. I wish someone would press him more.

damn, thats good


Holy shit. What an ass hole.

do you not know how to put the time thing on the link? you fag

anyone got the clip of him saying something was "brutal" and then reading it out. and then patrice and everyone trying not to laugh at him?

Guys I think we should lay off Opie for a while. Tss Tsss



wrong video, i dont know how to do the time thing but that's not the right link bro

At the end of the URL add #t=14m15s. So your link becomes:

Yeah, sorry for that. I had the "Hold On!" link in my clipboard.
