I hate when Tits and Friends Shit on people

0  2016-02-20 by gumby510

They tore up that poor country guy lets see if we can get him some real come up in's. I hate Opie

https://twitter.com/wheelerwalkerjr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myJDBos5Vyw


Comeuppance... The word is comeuppance.

More like cum up his... cum up his butt.

Some of their best/most awkward stuff has been from shitting on People.

Yeah, come on, boys, let's give some come up and ins!!!!!

Yes I agree but this was like the old days of them trying and coming up so short

I'm not a fan of country but this fake ass lets shit on a guy cause its funny is old ass hack radio

Why would they rip into him? I thought his stuff is funny http://youtu.be/IqNlXuOlzew

Wasn't the country guy playing a character? Somebody mentioned he is a comedian.

He had a show on Comedy Central but CC had to choose between him and Nathan fielder, his name is Ben Hoffman

Ahhh right. I didn't listen to the interview, were they even aware that he was playing a character?

Knowing how stupid opie and Jimmy are, they probably didn't know and thought he was serious

Thank the Lord they picked Nathan