Just watched The Witch

0  2016-02-20 by ComedyDeathRay

There was a goat named Black Phillip

Edit: The movie was fantastic


Bet you Witched you'd watched sumpthin else.....tsss tsss

Parallel thinking

What does the devil look like in the movie?

That's great and all, but the real question; was it any good?

Yeah it was fantastic. Everyone in the theater seemed to hate it though. It's less about the supernatural and more about the effects the supernatural has on an already bleak situation. The director said The Shining was a big influence and that really comes through.

I've heard it was pretty good. It's horror that just tries to be scary. Not scary but shoehorning in levity for no real reason.

Gonna go see it later today... Does it live up to the hype?


Whats the verdict?

I just got back... It was the least scary horror movie I've ever seen. People have been comparing it to the shining and other Kubrick movies, but it lacks the scares. A lot of people seemed disappointed leaving the theater. I know I was.

Heard it was comparable to the shining, was it?

Very much so

Ur comparing it possibly the greatest horror movie of all time? Give ur head a shake,sir.

I stand by my statement sir

I just saw it tonight. That movie fucking sucks.

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I'm completely nonplussed.

I've heard it was pretty good. It's horror that just tries to be scary. Not scary but shoehorning in levity for no real reason.

Ur comparing it possibly the greatest horror movie of all time? Give ur head a shake,sir.