Can someone give these tips to Anthony for me?

17  2016-02-20 by Ronvsfez

  1. Your pop culture references are extremely old, and a lot of the younger talent doesn't get what the hell you are saying. Fucking stop. The silence that follows afterwards is truly embarrassing 1A. Please also learn a little more about the internet. No one knows or cares about meatspin, lemon party or tubgirl anymore. The silence afterwards is again, very embarrassing.

  2. For fuck sake, can you grow goatee out? You look fucking awful. It will detract from you acne scarring.

  3. I understand the need to bang young chicks, but you angering in relationships with these hoes. I mean you are a real sucker giving them money and a house to stay in, then you act like you are surprised when they turn out to be fucking insane. That my friend, makes the whole domestic abuse incident entirely your fault. Even if you didn't physically hurt her, the mere fact that you were in that situation is your stupidity catching up to you.

  4. Change your luis jay Gomez impression. He's not a fucking surfer dude.

  5. Go to rehab because you are clearly an addict of some kind. I at least hope you hit your bottom with the Dani incident, but I'm sure if you get off then you will continues to do whatever it is you're doing. And things will get worse.


Ant's doing so badly that even this shitty list of tips will get upvoted.

What...didn't you think his Halloween costume of an obscure character from a 40 year old movie was comedy gold?

Wasn't it an entire jaws themed party? Ants sycophants had to go with it to go to the party. If I can add a #7, no one gives a shit about your karaoke

Most of the people weren't even dress up, it was just Ant and like four other people. I know how it feels to be the only one dressed up at a Halloween party, feels pretty embarrassing, and also annoying that nobody else put in the effort.

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You seem like a dude with some cool anecdotes. What did you dress up as? Did you confront your friends?


If I can add a #6 -

Quit throwing Norton references into all your conversations. If the person wasn't a frequent guest on your old show, or doesn't mention that they were a big fan of your old show, they probably won't get the reference no matter how many times you shoe horn it in there.

do you think that anyone who has subscribed to his show, isn't an OnA superfan?

Still, it's embarrassing. It would be like if Stern broke out into Jackie Laugh or yelled "baba booey" spontaneously. I guess I just feel bad for the comics that get stuck trying to figure what Cumia's going for with it. I bet 99% of the new comics that come through have no idea what it's all about.

I absolutely agree with you.

Yes, a good portion of them are the stormfront/niggermania crowd who don't give a fuck about OnA at all.

I doubt that those hillbillies can scrape up 7 bucks a month.

I disagree, moonshine and meth money is keeping TACS afloat.


Motherfucker's addicted to Opie, apparently. Tsss . . he abuses Opie-ates.

FAWK YEAH!!! guitar riff

the worst is the chipperson jokes, i was heating up just from watching him did it in front of the guests who had no idea whats going on

How about the shouting? The guy can't get 10 seconds into a new topic before he's bellowing at the top of his lungs for some reason. Like when he took a few calls about PC game suggestions and each time would watch a moment of a pre-rendered trailer before starting to scream about it. Then when he's done screaming he pauses like he's waiting for gales of laughter. He's reverting back to a drunk college kid who equates noise with fun.

Which episode are you referring to? I'd like to see which games were suggested.

The latest one with Lionel I think, near the end.

I wanted to shoot the stupid callers for not pointing out that Anth's stupid staff were pulling up trailers and not gameplay footage

First on my list - and I'm glad I'm the first on this sub to mention this - stop with the racial angle. Funny enough, most of your fans agreed with your take a few years ago because it really was a good marriage of honesty and humor. Now it's a crusade and has consumed you.

In your defense though, maybe you don't care and just want a new audience that is just as hung up with guns and black people as you are. If that's the case... god speed, I guess.

Gotta be careful with using hung up and black people in the same sentence, we dont want to turn into the tacs subreddit.

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Here's a tip for Ant. You're not a fucking Fox News pundit. You're insightful and curious about shit no tin knocker or shock jock should understand. Stop the angry grandad routine, no one listens to you to hear you shill unopposed political viewpoints. More moments like when Louis and Patrice almost sold you on reparations.

People like you because you're candid and usually have a smart reason for what you're doing. Play sugar daddy to a few 20 somethings, don't worry if she's fucking Tyrone and Jamal on the side, your relationship is purely quid pro quo. You're the one on the side. Your duties are to make her laugh, give her money, and pay for an uber home after you're done with her.

TL;DR Quit being a moron

I still care about meatspin. How dare you!?

I've been saying #2 for soo long now i thought I'm the only one who even think about it, thank you for proving me wrong.

You do realize if he grows out the goatee it will be completely gray, right?

Ant can act like a saint for the rest of his life. He's still done irreversible damage to his Brand.

and dani brand sss sss

You just redid the joke I made but made it safe for the retarded. Do you get a government grant for that?


Why don't you tell /u/anthonycumiashow yourself?

havent been on since he got busted for beating up dani

Danni Golightly, more like Danni Gogetchokedbyaradiopersonality or somethin tssst

You can email your suggestions to [email protected].

People have been saying all of these things for months

Ant doesnt fucking care man lmao

Unfortunately he will not change anything. He was a shitty tin knocker who didn't even do that job, fell into a multi million dollar gig by being a lazy fuck who spent his days calling radio shows.

He showed up for work at the radio shows and did a good job because he didn't have to do anything but joke around and talk. He relies on people to do everything for him, what makes you think he will put any extra effort into making a good program or updating his "jokes".

As good as he was off the cuff with cohost he's not equipped to do a solo program and his coddling by yes men make it a unfixable situation.

Here's a tip for OP: Take the cock out of your rectum and ditch the starbucks, err, "barista" career. Better yet, just drive your Prius off the cliff.