What is your favorite Nick Dipaolo clip?

9  2016-02-20 by red-light

Mine would have to be Dipaolo at the Denis Leary roast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2oJ72-EUBE


Those Mike Berbiglia (However the fuck you spell it, fuck you) episodes where him and Vos fucking tear him apart

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The one where he criticizes President Obama using lots of profanity.

Haven't listened to it yet but yeah

goo gobbler

he thinks Andy Kindler is funny

Jesus Christ Leary has a bluderbuss-worthy face.

Pretty funny how such a "edgy" dude can be so unmemorable.

Holding out for a bullet to clip his skull.

"You know, a lot of people say Nick's just a big, dumb guinea...

.....moving on..."

-Greg Giraldo

Please refrain from posting DiPaolo clips. This subreddit is a safe space, and there are not an adequate amount of trigger warnings for when DiPaolo goes on racist/conservative diatribes.

Thank you.

the one wear he laughs his balls off at ant's old timey guy voice

second appearance of his about 2:18:00 . i laughed at his laugh.

At the Artie Roast on the Stern show:

"When Robin was young she used to work in the Airforce. I thought the Wizard of Oz was the only place were monkeys can fly"

The one day in the future when he kills himself live on the air while screaming racial epithets