Kurt really doesn't like the O&A subreddit.

13  2016-02-19 by jonesy6969

Probably because it's easier to hurt feminists, and sjws. I've seen him try to provoke this subreddit, and twitter trolls a hundred times. The more he tries to justify attacking trolls, the more retarded he sounds. it's hilarious. i love that dumb kurt probably scrolls through his phone in anger. it's like watching someone punch the air. DUMB KURT ON FACEBOOK: "I'll be honest, I'm going on and on about that womenincomedy.org thing because I'm sick of fighting with right wing mra reddit types and I miss the soothing histrionics of a female blogger mistaking her mental problems for feminism. Credit where credit is due, silly brain girls are waaaaaay more interesting. Plus they take the time to sift through my FB to pull quotes out of context and utterly misrepresent my arguments. I really appreciate that. These fucking O&A message board twinkies just say "cuck" over and over. Not only that, these lovely queefy dingbats use their real names and pictures when they attack me on social media. Then for backup they bring these adorable guys with bowties and nerd glasses for me to bash apart like nerd piƱatas. Not like these punk-ass incel dudes with an egg or Patrice's headshot avi. God bless you, sjw's! Let's never not fight again!"


I love it when people have to shout "IT DOESN'T BOTHER ME" a minimum of eight thousand times. Real convincing...

So your theory is its a sign they are bothered? Interesting, so its faggotry.

Is he still going on about this place? Jesus. Its been almost a month since we stoped fucking with him. What an obsessed cuck

Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall of text

Kurt Metzger? More like ...... faggot cunt.

This was longer than Gilgamesh.

Nigger, Gilgamesh isn't even that long.

Especially in Darmok.

Tss Gilgamesh? Waashe writin about smurfs 'r sumpin?

The Cuckerbury Tales

Kurts favorite child game is kuck kuck goos-my wife fucks other men

Fuck that dave attel wannabe

What a cuck

hard to argue with this one

TL;DR please.

Thank you.


What the fuck does "incel" mean?

INvoluntarily CELibate. You unfuckable hate nerd.

I love how he mocks SJWs for misrepresenting his views or re-contextualising his comments, but does the exact same thing when collectively misrepresenting this sub and its motives. I'm sorry mate, we ain't all the analogues you choose to represent us as; is that what bothers him? Is it that he knows he'd be the Egg if he were participating, if civil disobedience wouldn't threaten his livelihood instead of assisting it?

'Cuz we know it gets to you, Cuck! You're not even on the fucking D-list, you hack.

Does anyone that uses the term MRA as an insult even know what an MRA is? All they talk about is divorce and circumcision.

We know him better than these SJWs, we have literally been trained in what is shitty comedy by "our radio uncles" Colin Quinn, big fat Bob Kelly, Rich Vos, Patrice and the fat version of Jim Norton. We can pick at him and he is afraid that we can call him on his bullshit... That is why he generalizes us by saying that we are nothing but a bunch of Patrice Avis on Twitter

the thing is, many on here would still enjoy his stand up, and I know I do, but he comes off as a lunatic if you only went by his online posting

why would I waste my time going through Kurt's wordy coke habit when I could be masturbating

He's old news. Like Joe Cumia.

Nice wall of text faggot.

I do believe him that he doesn't give a fuck what anyone here says. He definitely doesn't get angry at the substance of the talk in here. He probably does get angry that it's just a bunch of Internet tough guys saying all this tough guy or CRAZZZZZZY REBEL talk on but are for sure way too big of cowards to say it in person. I've said it s million times but it's gotta be frustrating to be a public figure and then have a bunch of anonymous losers that know everything about you taking shots, and even though you are literally one of the funniest diss comics in the world (Norton and Kurt) there's nothing you can say cause the losers hide in their anonymity and then e-hifive each other at the end simply because they got the celebs attention.

Also to be fair, at least the feminist cunts have the balls to put their name on shit and don't hide

Not everyone is an anonymous douchebag. Go check out his twitter, see how many of us are using our real names. I know that doesn't help Kurt's narrative, so feel free to ignore those people and pretend that no one here has the balls to attack him publicly without a pseudonym.

I'm sure there are some respectable people coming at him but when it's 1 or 2 people and 100 anonymous cunts I can understand how it gets overshadowed. What the hell are you fucking with Kurt over? Him defending his friend and boss? Even if you vehemently hate Amy and think she's a thief, it's dumb to think he would turn against her and it's actually more respectable for him To defend her then not.

My only beef with Kurt is that he is fucking great and he's surrounded himself with just awful co hosts. Sherrod really does blow and the Jezebel chick is definitely keeping herself in check but all I can think about is how she's holding back and being super fake so she can use this platform to garner some brownie points with normal, sane men and comedy fans

I don't know. If it didn't bother him I don't think he would talk about it so often. I think it really does boil him that people on twitter feel like they "beat" him. The reason why he doesn't like anonymous trolls is because you really can't hurt them. It's not because he thinks they're cowards....it's because you can't argue with a troll without looking like a retard. What's the metaphor? a tar baby. Let's be honest, it doesn't really take balls to call someone a jerkoff online even if you are using your real name. I didn't expect him to attack his friend, but when people love you because you speak the truth it's hard to accept such a fucking load of bullshit.

I think if anything is frustrating it's people takin personal shots when you know they would be too pussy to say it in person. Or even worse, taking shots at his appearance or his chick when the people doing it won't show their own ass

I don't know how old you are, but there seems to be a difference in the way people who are over 30 analyze the way people conduct themselves on the internet.

Makes sense. I'm exactly on your over/under so this is a push. Came up with the Internet but message boards weren't that popular and social media didn't exist.

I'm all for anonymity when it comes to debating, discussions, and general hijinx. I just think it's fucking stupid when you're ragging on someone that you can see, but your too pussy to expose yourself. I think that's shitty and fucked up and cowardly.

I feel you, but ragging on people in the most cruel(sometimes funny sometimes not) is the spirit of O&A, and all those NYC comics. Kurt says some horrible stuff about peoples' appearance, about women, about all sorts of people. To me, the anonymity doesn't make that much of a difference.

Put it this way. We are on an o&a message board and there's hundreds of people constantly calling Amy Schumer fat.....I've been to Jimmy's shows, I've been listening to o&a for like 15 years, they have the ugliest most obese fanbase ever. I hate hypocrites and liars more than anything, this is what bothers me

I think O&A fans were disappointed in the things she did, and said. Them taking shots at her weight was just one of the ways they chose to express themselves. When they don't like Opie they make fun of his Tits, and hair. When they don't like Ant they make fun of his pitted face, and his age. It is what it is. That's how O&A was, and that's how their fans are.

If you wanna talk shit that's fine, but don't hide. Put ya name on that shit. O&a put their name on everything they did right?

Why does it matter if people who criticize him are anonymous? I've never understood the problem. Either the person is making a valid point or their not. If you don't want to argue with anonymous accounts, then don't. What is the difference between an anonymous account and someone who puts their photo up? The argument doesn't change. If I attack Kurt anonymously, he can block me or engage. If I attack him under my own name, suddenly I have his dumb fans finding and posting my personal information. He chose to be a public figure, deal with it.

Dude I'm not talking about an argument, I'm talking about what actually goes on. Trolling, name calling, threats, epithets etc etc. an argument is totally fine, not talking about a dudes family or making fun of their appearance when you're too pussy to show your own

but you don't think trolling can be hilarious?

Maybe, Every case is different but I think the trolling that goes down around here is usually the lowest form. Like i said, if you're gonna target some comedian or celebrity and just start ripping on them and their appearance but not show yourself then you're just a pussy. There's something really pathetic about adults using their precious time to go online and make fun of celebrities hiding behind an egg picture. But if you're going to do that, ypu really are a fucking coward. You want to dish it out and you're too scared to take it back. So it's gross on 2 levels...it's pathetic, loserish behavior and it's also cowardly, cunty behavior

yea that's true. I can see that. But it can also be very funny, and part of what's funny about it is the photoshops, and parody names. I think a lot of people here just want the opportunity to be as funny as the people they listen to on the radio, but leaving a toxic online footprint is pretty much only okay if you can get paid for it. Otherwise you could be risking a lot. I really would rather the only people who could be this kind of funny weren't just comics who make money.

I like Kurt's comedy, but a lot of these standups think that they are the authority of all laughter everywhere all the time. I really liked his special, but his online presence makes me cringe.

So your theory is its a sign they are bothered? Interesting, so its faggotry.

but you don't think trolling can be hilarious?