I now realize I only liked fat angry outcast Jim Norton

89  2016-02-19 by [deleted]

Remember the grumpy little troll who hated everything and never ever smiled?

I think that's the Jim everyone liked. Now he's a white teethed, skinny, primped shit head, exactly the Hollywood ball sucking douche he would have hated in the past

Jimmy Norton died long before ant got fired. We now have James.

Opie and James.


Sensible James Norton.
Call his advice show fellas! It could change your life.


About 30 years - be sure to avoid alcoholic foods and hemp shampoos

Ha. Hemp shampoos.

A lifetime in the program and avoid foods that have been prepared with wine.

you never know ykwd call back

"Just go to a meeting or two, man. You might like it."

He certainly was volatile back then. Remember when every dark-skinned coffee vendor was a SAVAGE who funds terrorism?

he needs ants bad, corrosive influence more than ever

Jim Norton, Coffee Diva!!

"It STINKS!!!!!!!"

booo shut up. Goto the back of the bus

best part is when colin say james w norton is that you even your name? i just made that up

and you can hear colin saying "he ignored me!" as jim continues monologue and doesn't acknowledged colin

Colin almost wrecked his whole thing there. Kinda annoyed me.

it could've been funny if jim acknowledged him saying that, it was also funny that he didn't.

It wouldn't have been wrecked, it just would've been different

Shut up.

Exactly this guy

If Iv never seen tough crowd is it worth watching?

I only watch it there's at least one regular on (DiPaolo, Norton, Giraldo, Patrice). Here's one with Kevin Hart and Lenny Clarke that's pretty good.


I miss when Jim was a fat angry pervert that I could actually relate to.

It's okay, fat angry pervert, you don't need someone like you on the radio to feel happy.

I've never been happy :)

That's the spirit. As long as you know that you can be miserable and depressed and completely alone, things should perk down for you.

James Q. Norden - Thespian, activist, social commentator, Author and poltical pundit.

oh yeah...and tranny penis taster

Cause he Likes Peckas

can you guys help me find a clip of angry jim for no reason shitting on this female caller who was asking about otto and george and by the end of the call he ends up seducing her

it was truly one of his finest moment

I need to hear this.

I second this.

Same. Now he is false-teeth Hollywood Jim. On that illuminati cancer diet. He looks like Sam Simon at the end.

Management likes it

I AGREE 100% I can't agree enough, the quickness, wit, uniqueness of angry, self-hating nortons attacks was amazing, NOW hes just as mediocre and boring as anyother comic.... i know people change, but this is definitely for the worse. The greatest lines and quotes, that sometimes I randomely think of and laugh like a crazy person for the most part all came like somewhere before (maybe well before) 2009

He has no passion left outside of finding a big dick in ladies panties.

Don't we all.

That is why I believe that Zac Amico is the next Jim Norton, fat angry rage is what I miss from Jimmy, seeing him so happy and skinny is depressing as all fuck. He's become a self obsessed faggot

He gags the Hollywood cock, but he can't get the Hollywood pop. Roll over and try again in the morning, Jim.

Like Patrice said, the angry thing is an act, the Kirk shit is the real him

its only a matter of time before he slips back into his natural falsetto

I truly miss Patrice more than anyone in OA universe.

Holy shit, I was just thinking the same thing while watching an old clip of Jimmy on Leno. Nowadays he just comes across as just CREEPY.

There was a great clip of old Norton where he talks about looking at his b cups and wanting to throw himself through his 22nd floor apartment window.

The burning issue that defines Jim Norton is that he desperately wants to be loved and accepted. Everyone does, obviously, but Jimmy is consumed by the fear that no-one ever has or will.

It's what's behind his fantasies about KISS beating him, then loving and comforting him, about getting beat up by big kids and The Girl still loving him, why he relates the most disgusting and uninteresting parts of his pervert's existence - the idea that he can be 'honest' about himself and his habits and have people still like him.

Hell, I'd guess that's a big part of his attraction to transgressive sex and 'dirty' things. Not so much pleasure in the foulness, but trying to be as bad as he can, and then telling everyone about it, to see who still likes him.

The saddest part of this is that his early indoctrination into the AA 12-step cult has convinced him that he's An Addict when he just has poor impulse control and has been told that he can never get better at it.

Instead of just getting a grip and stopping his mega-lethal teenage binge drinking, he came to believe was An Addict, which is a mark on the soul that can never be changed according to AA. So, since he HAD to be addicted to something, and booze is kind of dangerous, he parlayed his unavoidable, totally-not-his-choice Addict behaviour into being a 'sex addict' (which is about as real as being a videogame addict).

The irony is that this relatively safe 'addiction' is the main reason he can't actually find love or satisfaction in a normal loving relationship.

Booze might have eventually harmed or killed him, but his method of quitting booze is the main reason he can't find happiness. IMWO*.

Imagine if he'd just accepted that alcohol wasn't for him, but that it's fine to spark a joint now and again. We might have lost a mediocre standup, but the world would have gained a happy sweaterboy.

(*the W stands for 'worthless')

The way he could verbally annihilate someone in a truly funny manner is a skill, even for non comedians, to get into a verbal fight and be able to fire off quick, witty slams.... shiiit EVERYONE laughs and loves that, black, white... Norton is so dull now, and self important. Hes acknowledged that hes changed but his topical shit is NOT MEMORABLE at all

You Sir, needs to get on the Sinnamin train.

I barely liked fat jimmy. His celebrity photo shit is infuriating.

ewwwwww. opie and james....is so factual.

He's probably less angry now because his testosterone has gone to shit on his stupidly low calorie diet.

grumpy little troll

I actually chuckled when I read that.

I started listening in goddamn 2001 when they were still on WNEW. I can't believe the journey Jimmy has taken since those days. It's like he turned into his own dad.

"Going to the gym and eating better"

Fucking Yuck!!

That is certainly in the hall of fame of cringeworthy Jimmy utterances.

Uh oh, look out, Jim has some more tranny jokes..whoa boy..1992 called, they want their lame self-deprecating jokes back.

I actually never liked the Opie and Anthony show, I just listened to Norton. When I listen to old clips, if it sounds like Jimmy is not there after a few minutes, I just change the clip.