WormWatch Day 8: Amy finally tweets support, giving her less famous comedian friend some much needed promotion

78  2016-02-19 by Ant_Sucks


Rachel Feinstein is fucking sexy, man.

She's hot but man is it just the usual shit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV30u8JgCXM why does needing "strong empowering women" have to be so forced on us all originality is thrown out the window as if it doesnt even matter as long as we have a woman on tv. to get a tv show these days you really just have to be a girl.

Because it is fake, manufactured feminism "girl power" horse shit.

You don't always have to swear to make your point heard you stupid cunt.

Your inflammatory language will not be tolerated.

I am triggered beyond belief.

Is that a euphemism?





It's kind of like 80's cartoons that had to have a kid of every race, plus a guy in a wheelchair. Diversity for diversity's sake is obvious and condescending. There's a quote by the guy who made the DmC series: "If you can't give a character an attitude, give him a cigarette." A prop or a costume (or a racial/sexual identity) becomes the character's whole identity.

But it's not hard to do it right. Marge Gunderson is a great female, pregnant, character, but it never feels manufactured. It stays within the reality of the setting and you're more interested in what she does which in turn defines who she is, whereas the reverse is usually true for these kinds of shows. It's not something you can pare down to a science but you can smell bullshit when it's there.

Let me say, too, I have no problem with strong female characters. What I don't like are Strong Female Characterstm .

still trying to figure what the hell Lingo was

At the Patrice benefit she rambled about being a jewish woman for 15 minutes. It was awful.


My god I'm shocked I made it 3 minutes into that video.

That wasn't a bad clip.

I dont care how brave and honest they are about sex and how quirky their dates went. It is the same thing with every female comic

Yeah, too bad her voice is like nails on a chalk board

You don't like the voice of a Jersey jewish mother doing stand up?

No she's not. I saw her at the Patrice Benefit, her comedy was awful and she was too fat to fit in her clothes. She's a fat in all the wrong places middle age jewish cunt who thinks she's the "cool aunt" you had growing up. My gf hated her worse than I did, first thing she said was something along the lines of, why is this fat lady wearing granny panties with a dress that doesn't fit her. She looked like a Potato wearing a babies sock.

That's fair. You seem reasonable.

why does every jew broad think they're funny?

Because they have the backing of other Jews

6 million of them.


"New York values"

It's a Comedy Central thing, of course she's going to promote it. She's got Chip on the pay-no-mind list.

Gotta support the tribe.

Worm, comment?

That picture of Ms. Piggy makes me sick, she's almost bullying people with her sexuality. Its not empowering.....Its just disgusting.

At least it's airbrushed to fuck.


My eyes need a rape shower.

Her fucking, "oops, did I just say that?" face is hilarious. Can't wait for Trainwreck 2.

WormWatch: year 21

She is not hot. She is sad and used-up.


You have to admit how hilariously sad this is for Jim. I mean this bitch uses him as an outlet and then his "dream" project comes along that he for sure needs help promoting and she is nowhere, when will the chinless circumcised turtle learn?

Holy phuck

Any women comedians out there not ugly jewesses?

Nope. They are all kike whores.

I see what you did there


the thumbnail accompanying this post is fucking enraging!!


Those kikes have to stick together.

I like Rachel

Let's not make this about you, this is about how Norton has hid behind OnA's faux power and now the chickens are coming home to roost.


Touch what? My pecka? Tss tss.


I ain't gotta explain shit, take it or leave it.

Norton is the man and you guys are anonymous, angry, little fags. PERIOD

Norton isn't even A man, let alone THE man.

Jimmy loves tranny dick and is a worm of the highest order. Yeah, hardly the man.

Also, what would you know about being a man, you wrestling cuck. You watch men in little tights pretend to fake fight, lol. Dismissed.

What are you talking about? I don't even watch wrestling.

I'd have thought this sub would be defending m'lday's honor by now with how gay this sub has gotten.

You thought wrong, gaylord.

Say the word "sub" three more times in a sentence, please


Obvious troll is obvious.

I hope your home gets invaded by "those people" and you are killed.

Sorry faggot, I carry. Bring it.


Would you like my address you filthy communist fag?

Jesus Christ. Dude, I am also a gun toting red blooded American.

I am just rustling your jimmies. Take it easy.

You thought wrong, mongoloid. Fucking off yourself.

You feeling the bern yet

Burn your whole family to death.

You can try to burn my family. I welcome your attempt.

No, I meant you should burn your family. I'm a pacifist.

Because it is fake, manufactured feminism "girl power" horse shit.

Your inflammatory language will not be tolerated.

I am triggered beyond belief.

That wasn't a bad clip.

It's kind of like 80's cartoons that had to have a kid of every race, plus a guy in a wheelchair. Diversity for diversity's sake is obvious and condescending. There's a quote by the guy who made the DmC series: "If you can't give a character an attitude, give him a cigarette." A prop or a costume (or a racial/sexual identity) becomes the character's whole identity.

But it's not hard to do it right. Marge Gunderson is a great female, pregnant, character, but it never feels manufactured. It stays within the reality of the setting and you're more interested in what she does which in turn defines who she is, whereas the reverse is usually true for these kinds of shows. It's not something you can pare down to a science but you can smell bullshit when it's there.

Let me say, too, I have no problem with strong female characters. What I don't like are Strong Female Characterstm .


My god I'm shocked I made it 3 minutes into that video.

At the Patrice benefit she rambled about being a jewish woman for 15 minutes. It was awful.

Burn your whole family to death.