Jimmy is a judge for tranny porn awards. Who says his career is in the gutter

35  2016-02-18 by Dennyislife


Jimmy is one of those retards that thinks everyone secretly desires trannies and are just afraid to admit it.

I love how he got pissed that one time in studio that noone else had a gay experience when they were kids. He was incredulous. Completly baffled and a little angry. He though he was putting himself out there and everyone else was lying. What a freak

I have to confess to a childhood gay experience: When I was in school a guy asked me if I was a queer tied to a pole, I answered "no". He then informed everyone that there was a queer on the loose. I was that queer.

Similar thing happened to me. Something about faggots being deaf.

"Does your mom know you're gay?"

Good luck answering that one!

You are brave. Now you can move forward

Your bravery has empowered me to share my story. Someone once said to me, "homos say what?". I said what.

As a child I was actually forcefully initiated into a homosexual gang called Pen 15.

Hellbound homo

That's cool you went to school with Chip Chipperson. Post his yearbook photo.

It is hilariously insane what Jimmy thinks was pretty normal as a kid. He used to blow his friends, and he would blow the kids that bullied him. I don't think he understands how fucked up he is. He fucks trannies in the ass without a condom. It's almost like he pretends his sick gay stuff is just part of him being an adict, which he probably never was.

Edit: Jimmy is was more gay than Fez.

Blew the kids that bullied him? Is this true? I know he had some weird dream/fantasy about KISS kicking him down some stairs and then hugging him. He really is a creep.

Yeah, I can't remember the exact stories, but he was a creepy little homo. He got onto a roll one time, and was talking about him being a kid and blowing people in stairways, and at the public pool. That might have been the same day.

I think he said the first kid he blew was under some kind of duress. Then word got around or Jimmy started to hook his buddies into the circle.

I mean I've had a swordfight or two when I was like five years old, but that's just using your imagination to the fullest.

Same way Ant thinks we all want to bang 13 year olds, we're just too prudish to admit it.

I personally think everyone wants to fuck a 13 year old tranny. No homo.

It's gotta be the right 13. Oh come onnn you've never seen a hot hot 13 year old that is totally fuckable?

lol i love how thats ants line. he is such a dumby. yes you can find a 13 y/o that looks like a 23 year old from playboy. that does not mean you want to fuck 13 year olds.. it means you like to fuck 23 year olds

Anthony finds girls that are 23 and look 13. skinny and no t no a. so he likes the idea of fucking a pre pubscent child

It's all the hormones they put in US milk. shuuuuure

Imagining the laugh Patrice was belting out meanwhile the disgust he had inside.


Does the tranny porn awards give out an honor for the most purple, dead looking, dick?

or uncut cock that most resembles a cornucopia.

If they do, Ants a shoe in.

If there's a "Most Wrecked Plastic Surgery Face That Looks Like The Saw Mask", I know who'll win. Spoiler: It's the hideous tranny whose ass Jim admitted to eating.

WTF is wrong with Jimmy? I wouldn't let this thing anywhere near me.

Although I can't say I'd kick this thing out of bed. If I knew who either of these people were......which I don't.

Second one looks like Sarina Valentina. I shouldn't know that.

I'd fuck either one of those things, or both.

wait, what?

Is that a reference to Jimmy? He certainly looks like he is dying, but he is pastier than he is purpled.


If Jane Marie isn't given proper recognition there will be outrage. Or at least...so I've "heard".

I recommended Jane Marie to him on Twitter a few months ago and he mentioned me, like "Wowee" or something like that. I wonder how many more hours of edging I caused that strange little man that week.

"She" bartends at a place every Thursday that's like one mile down the street from me. (A friend told me) It showed up in my Tinder feed the other day too; I think I clicked "like" by "accident."

How important is the restocking fee?

"You don't understand though, I just needed the prop for one shoot. I was "renting" it basically. What's the big deal if I purchased a brand new item just to use it, devalue it's worth, and return it with absolute disregard? But these SCUMBAGS sellers are just VULTURES opposed to comedian/film makers/podcasters like me!"

Man that dude got destroyed

Louis, Emmy, Amy, Emmy, Louis, Grammy, Jimmy, Tranny

Voss, Bonnie

You can't even show your friends Jim's stand up. "Lolz You gotta see Norton's new special! You'll love his tranny jokez!!!" His material is completely unrelatable and downright weird.

He also has great jokes about news from 8 months ago.

How did they secure one of the world's premiere ketchup judges?

8 year olds are not allowed in Tranny Porn events.



Is this a joke? Can this guy just come out?

Come out from what? Has he not made it blatantly obvious he loves trannies? I don't know what more you want from him.

Just say that he's gay and embrace it instead of pretending he likes women.

What makes you think Nortons gay?

How many cocks need to be sucked in a lifetime before you are gay by default?


If a man builds a thousand bridges and sucks one dick, they don't call him a bridge-builder... they call him a cocksucker.

That belongs on a motivational poster

The bridges being shaped like two cocks going tip to tip did not help

About 10. Thats what did it for me.

He likes the dick.


No, Jim Norton, the comedian.


a source for this information would still be appreciated.

Next month he'll start doing supermarket grand openings.

Wow, he's moving up in the world. I hope he gets to fuck Sarina Valentina, at least.

She's got the goods.


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thats been his gimmick for years now...

Fucking gross.



Even I turned that down


About 10. Thats what did it for me.