Enjoy your morning obsessing over every word a millionaire radio host is going to say!

0  2016-02-18 by OandJfan

Because I am sure you ONLY listen to "hate" the show and not because it's not entertaining. LOL!


Not many people here listen to the show stoopid.

We don't listen at all queer. There are a couple of brave souls who put on the hazmat suits & give us timestamps to the biggest bombs & flubs. But no one here is strong enough to stuff the diarrhea dogshit that is the O&J show into their ears.

Those braves boys out on the front lines. It's like the radio version of D day.

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Go die opie

I'd like to welcome our newest -100 character account.

Smelling a fart is more stimulating than smelling nothing.



Hes starting to sound more and more like opie...

ok...it's a troll account. but everyone continue to make him look stupid

definitely a troll account, and a damn good one at that.

And you enjoy your morning obsessing over every post from a bunch of degenerates on the internet about a millionaire radio host!

It comes as no surprise that an Opie fan is too stupid to grasp the irony here, now go frame your fuckin sunset picture.

You really think the majority here is posting to be ironic? You're giving this sub too much credit. Ps Opie is a dumb person.

Nice try with da hate tho


You forgot to start the post with "ME:" you balding fool.

Enjoy your whole day obessesing about every word this sub says.

I only listen to YouTube clips of Opie looking like an asshole. And I sometimes "legally" listen to the other shows on ant's network

You sound like a joy


Hes starting to sound more and more like opie...