/u/JMueller2012 can only make hack comments when confronted with facts, then makes more hack comments when embarrassed.

0  2016-02-18 by FootThingOnHerFoot



Well, alright.

Did you think anyone would give a fuck?

I thought they would care enough to read, but not enough to comment. Yet somehow, YOU cared enough to comment!!! Thanks ironic idiot!!!

You seem like a huge douchebag.

Yeah! That doesn't describe ANYBODY else on this sub at all buddy!!!


This post showed how JMueller made hack comments (but was anti opie) and was upvoted, while the other guy attempted to have a discussion (questioning his anti opie views) and was downvoted. Im not involved in your faggot circlejerk, so obviously i could care less about such a circlejerk's approval. Im here to point out how big of lying hypocritical faggots you are! Thats all!


You thought those awful recycled hack comments were FUNNY?!

And here the "funny" comments are folks!

  1. Nice character, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn

  2. Delete your account and make two more. This sub has just passed you by

and last but certainly not overused or not clever!

  1. Sniff

I rest my case. Go back to your circlejerk.
