This is why Jim is still a sweater boy cutie……and Opie is a thin skinned douche

0  2016-02-17 by rosheightsstrangler

I know we have been smashing Jim a lot recently but just listened to nopie show. He really did listen to callers and was open to making changes. Opie would never ever do this!!!!

We need a Jimmy appreciation day on this sub, remember Dragon wagon (my first Jim bit)

Also peckas


Hmmmmmmm I guess I'll find this nopie show


Alright alright sheesh

It's too late now. We're too far down the hater path with Jim. The only way we'll come around on him is if he shows up in this subreddit, spills some inside stuff about the show that may not be true, and gives us sob story about a stalker while asking us for money so he can...something something.

No fuck him