O&J Liberal or Conservative?

0  2016-02-17 by unclepaul84


Too unintelligent to be a decent representation of either.

Jimmy hasn't voted since 1992, but he's been so moved and galvanized by Trump that he's repeatedly stated his intention to vote for him in 2016. That honestly blows my fucking mind. McCain or Obama weren't worth his time, but Trump has the juice to get him out to the polls? Everyone associated with the show is a retard.

I haven't heard his take on it but that actually doesnt surprise me that people would have that attitude. People dont vote because they think it doesnt matter and everyone is the same, and Trump is the first guy with a real shot in a long time to actually be something different. And with Ron Paul finally giving up it doesnt surprise me people would break a voting drought to go support Trump.

Dead on. They'd need 3 promotions to be assholes.

Tits is too stupid to understand what either side stands for, and Worm slants more right, but he can be easily manipulated by his more famous friends to lean whichever way will benefit him.

i remember once ant and jimmy complained that if obama was elected then "you wont be allowed to say anything anymore" as if the job of the president is to moderate and censor comedians. theyre all fuckin simpletons sometimes

Sarcasm? Of all their garbage predictions, you picked the only instance when these dummies actually got it right.

oh yeh sorry, i remember now how obama personally had all those comedians fired last year for saying lewd things..

Yes they thought obama administration would call them each up personally to fire them. Literally.

Clearly they are are the simpletons in this one.

ohhh literal HBTaskForceReadLeader

Nah, don't play it like you were joking or being ironic. You got yours, take it. Political culture starts from the top.

lol what? political culture starts from the top? as in people look at who is in the white house and decide how to think and what to say based on that? how retarded must americans be for that to be true?

and if it IS true, that the culture of the leading political party feeds into society somehow, surely the anti-science, anti-intellectual stances of the republicans are way more dangerous than the sensitivities of the left. theyre unapologetically trying to pervert science education at every opportunity they get. is the ability to call someone a nigger on the radio more important to you? speaks volumes. but back to the mainpoint. theres never been any evidence of the a choice of president affecting what a comedian can say.

Tl;dr Peckahs

Turns out they were right. Obamas worshippers are running rampant. No? Then why are colleges turning against free speech. He has empowered feminists and BLM people to tear shit down with nothing to replace it, even to LITERALLY dig up the past (confederate generals being exhumed). Hes empowering socialists who have no idea how economy works and wand shit to be free because it FEELS like the right thing. You dont have to know ANYTHING about history before 1900 to see all this race and class shit will fail and make things worse. Fuck i need to smoke some weed now.


Jimmy's thing is to blame 'the press' for everything, as if this is the 50s and there's guys in suits and hats and big flashbulb cameras running around. Opie is a liberal because brother wheeze is, though he's not as insufferably cunty about it. Anyway he's not smart enough to form even a hack political argument.

The "press" is an institution more united than divided.

The 'media' (see groveling; scumbags)

Thinking of either of them in any sort of political way is like...... Going fishing with a fish or sumtin idunno

Opie is liberal. Jim is a mix, but more liberal. Also they both are very stupid when it comes to politics. They both say things like I've narrowed my decision down to Trump or Sanders? You can't make up your mind between a socialist of a fascist?

Their political views morph into whatever mold you pour them into.


I think a lot of people in the country think like them as far as politics go. They're socially liberal but fiscally conservative which, coincidentally, is exactly how Jesse Ventura identifies himself.

That's how pretty much everyone defines themselves: neoliberal.

Shitty ?

As has been stated, neither is smart or informed enough to be either (or a moderate, for that matter).

They appear to share the opinion of whoever they are talking to at the moment. What can I say its a wild show.

Check who their guest of the day is. If its a liberal, expect the boys to be all in with Sanders. If its someone more rightwing, Trump all the way.

Cumia was the most ideologically consistent of the trio. Opie & Jim have always been spineless worms. I suspect Opie is the liberal of the three & secretly always has been(he is Brother Wease's broadcasting spawn afterall) but he shapeshifted to accommodate Cumia & Jim.

Opie isn't smart enough to form an opinion one way or the other, and jimmy is a pretty fair mix of both. The show sucks but this isnt really a point to attack them on, I guess.

They're both liberal but the spineless type that nobody on either side likes. They generally hold liberal beliefs except when those beliefs can be challenged. They talk about how police brutality might be going a little too far except when Kenny happens to be nearby. They talk about how Trump saying to ban Muslim immigration is dumb, but then quickly drop the entire issue when callers start to call in to challenge them. Their only "conservative" trait is that they over-report anything Free Speech related (for a solid month they were doing daily 30 minute discussions on the latest college "outrage") except when Amy or someone they liked was doing the rallying which they pretend doesn't exist.

Who cares what they think about anything