Why do you haters act like to play make believe that you know what goes on behind the scenes at Opie and Jimmy?

0  2016-02-17 by OandJfan

I don't know Opie, but I have heard he helps out people he don't need to, and that he provides a lot of people with help who doesn't need it. The haters group that stem from here and going after guests of his shows and other fans of his with this bullshit is just ridiculous. None of you fuckers even know what Opie does for the poor and friends of the show.

The most dumb thing is the wife bullshit. Pretty sad and pathetic you guys have to leech on a made up story that is proven false to try and spread rumors, and try to his family. Period. Turn off the show and don't listen! Either it's not for you anymore or better yet, get your own family and go provide and care for them instead of trying to spread a made up fucking story that some pussy tried to lie about to get back at the person who fired him.

Bottom line: Move on.


All I can say is that I'm shocked your username wasn't already taken.

All I can think of is that the people that make parody/troll accounts just assumed it was taken already.

Whatever this sub says about Opie's life is a way to get under his skin whether it is true or not doesn't matter. He basically told all the hardcore O&A fans (that he got successful off of) to go to hell. He let the O&A show die all because he was resentful of Ant and Jim's chemistry and Ant didn't come over to his house or call him enough times. He is a weak sensitive baby and what he replaced the show with is atrocious. He took everything that made him successful and what people liked about the O&A show and flipped it. He couldn't give a shit about what the fans think. On top of all this it has become clear that he really isn't good at what he does for the amount of money he makes, he is incapable of making anyone laugh, all of his interviews are awkward and cringe as fuck and he never even has an interesting or insightful point of view on any topic that comes up. Opie is a shitty person/radio host and should be made fun of at the very least. People like this shouldn't be able to do whatever they want without any criticism.

Holy shit guys, an honest to goodness Hater Fighter!

Hi opie!

I'm still waiting for that creep to skin Opie alive. The fuck is this dude doing? Quit biding your time

"He don't need to"

Looks like you "don't need to" use grammar either.


Hi Lyndsi!

How's Bam?

Bottoming out in her the way Opie can't is my guess.

You're right! Now we shall all stop, thanks for pointing it out.

Is this a character?

The terrible grammar and awful content have set off alarm bells.

Just trying to figure out the mentality of people who just want to hate on successful people. I don't get it.

When O&A&J goofed on Yakov Smirnoff, a very successful entertainer and theater owner in Branson, Missouri, did you get that?

did you listen to the old show? you know, the good one that came before the pile of dogshit that is O&J? if you did, you would completely understand the mentality of people who just want to hate on successful people (or people in general).

Opie is not successful. The shitty O&J show is only leftover listeners from when Anthony and Jim had a humorous show.

Bored assholes usually explains it

I think it's hilarious that Opie supporters sound just as retarded as Opie while defending him: grammar mistakes, et. all.

et al.* (speaking of mistakes)

Relax with trying to prove your smart by correcting people's grammar on a Opie radio message board. ROFL!

stop saying ROFL faggot, you weren't ROFLing

edit: also, on an* Opie radio message board you fucking illiterate


Look, I'm sure your brother in law is a good guy but that's not what this sub is about.


Fuck off Opie.

Get out Opie. Or strangles. Or lynsi. Whatever nice try with the non hate tho

Opie you gotta work in 5 minutes come back after your snooze fest show and we can talk

How's your kids doing, Opie? Shyuuuuureee.

Well for one, we were right about them hating each other for years, something that was denied for over a decade now. If you seriously enjoy the male version of The View then who am I to judge? Someone has to fill that soccer mom void in radio!

I've never seen someone fuck up "don't" and "doesn't" consecutively in one sentence. You are not a smart man.

NotSamFanFuck? is that you? I'm with you, man!

They love Opie more than you. They took on his brothaman persona and now they can't turn it off. They listen to every word he says. They go back to old shows and listen to just him. There was one guy who studies his Twitter account.

Bottoming out in her the way Opie can't is my guess.