This Orc Showed up on my Facebook Feed

64  2016-02-16 by shmigshmog


Not the only feed she showed up at!

almost like she's a fucking fat cow or sumpthin right?

I wouldn't call her a fat cow... unless she lost a lot of weight.

Tom_Stall killin' it for us today! Vurry good.

She's very rubenesque!

Orc? More like porc or somethin tisss

Word play yumor,my fav !

For any men with premature ejaculation problems, pin that picture to your headboard.

I'd rather think about wet garbage, thanks.

I am literally so far ahead of you it's not a joke

edit: well, figuratively

This 60 year old gentleman needs a haircut.

is it time for @anorexicamyschumer? (pasting amy's head on dani brand's body)

i will learn how to pshop just to do this

i will learn how to use reddit, just to upvote this



Isn't that just a private toilet?

She looks like a grizzled old assembly-plant manager.

What's the opposite of a boner ?

A Shumer


She looks like Phillip Seymour Hoffmann corpse

That looks like her eventual mug shot.

As opposed to the one her jew uncle had buried.

Chuck owns you all and you know it.

Edit: This is maybe 8 years ago, but I was attending an event hosted by the Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America (APPNA) and Chuck Schumer made a 10 minute appearance.

He's such a douchebag that he literally said that if "East Timor can be free, why not Kashmir". He got a big round of applause, a lot of donor money and a few votes because of it.

He'll do anything for money.

Arrested for being a thief

Of food

For knowingly spreading HPV?

For Shoplifting from The Comedy Store

I would argue shes more of an Ogre. They rely more on their size and mass.

or a troll?

This is why muslims eat and fuck halal

even her fucking name is haram.

We can beat our women for being fat. Who's the superior culture now?

This might be ugliest she's ever looked.

I was not ready for that.

hahahahahaha I was expecting the vacation pic but my god thats even worse.

I saw three of those on Saturday morning at the rec soccer field.

That picture did two damage in my peckah.

Amy Lithgow. She looks like the head of a retards penis.


I personally would like Amy to sit on my face with a sweaty ass.

I bet it smells like ham.

I bet it is hairy as fuck and smells like a salmon that has been marinating in horse shit for 3 weeks.

without the horseshit part that sounds pretty fucking awesome

very creative suicide

Unless you're employed as a chair at weightwatchers' meetings I find this hard to encourage.

ham smells good. i bet it smells like goat cheese.

That is a legitimately shocking face.


She is hideous.

I take all my selfies after getting wacked in the head with a cast iron pan.

She looks like the first person whose cause of death might actually be "Death by Chocolate".

Is it just me or is she not very pretty?

why do i even click on her pics.

i wouldnt fuck that thing with afro ant's dick.

Zug zug


More work?


God she's fucking terrible.


*Gundabad Orc

She is by no definition attractive

"And she is none other than the Shock...Master!"


Did she think this was audio only?like holy shit she looks like shit

very creative suicide

I bet it is hairy as fuck and smells like a salmon that has been marinating in horse shit for 3 weeks.

ham smells good. i bet it smells like goat cheese.

Unless you're employed as a chair at weightwatchers' meetings I find this hard to encourage.