Is anyone else extremely sick of Chip?

3  2016-02-16 by kevin121312

after the indie go go and the show today, i don't give a shit if I ever hear chip or a chip-ism ever again. This is why he's good in small doses and doesn't work with a show dedicated to him.


It was a good character on SNL, then jim stole it and ruined the bit

I like organic, natural Chip.

I hate cartoon Chip.

Somedays I feel like I am Chip.





Not trying to sound like a hipster douche, but I liked early Chip better. He was less aggressive and killed the mood more effectively.

OG Chip was basically the unfunny, over-eager co-worker we've all had to deal with at some time or another. That was pretty funny in itself, along with the added neurosis of his sainted mother and Lamar. And then Jim just started doing it every day, all day, and I'm not even sure what the fuck it's morphed into. I swear 50% of the time Jim talks it's as Chip.

I agree with you. Rapping chip is awful!

I liked Chip before he sold out and went mainstream


Yeah he was more a stupid goofball rather than an angry liar who lives with him mom.

I was sick of Chip in 2010. I can see why people like it, but 6+ years of constant daily use isn't exactly comedy gold.

CHIP and all JIMMY CHARACTERS need some SUPPORT, which is ANTHONY!! OPIE cannot interact with REAL PEOPLE much less FAKE JOKEY PEOPLE.

Oh god, this. Why does he have to kill the flow for "comedic effect?" Come up with something funny, ya dick. It was novel to hear someone funny kill the flow once in a while. Then Jim got more serious, and it became less ironic.

Been sick of Chip for a long, long time.

He's like Ralph Wiggum. Funny when he shows up out of nowhere and says something retarded. Not funny when you know the retarded is incoming.

Chip is still hilarious in the right context and dosage.

yeah, I agree. Just not a whole fucking show about him.

Nope. I'll take one Chip with a side of Kirk Sinnamin every day please

I didn't listen this morning, did Jimmy mention not owning Chip's radio clips because he was going to animate interviews/clips but instead went with that half-ass cartoon?

I guess no one watched the show...

never was a fan really

ted scheckler however...

since i dont listen anymore i think its ok when norton does it, when any fans does it its just an embarrassment

i was sick of him when everyone on the show stopped hating him and started trying to riff off his lines.

the point of chip is to ruin the flow, not act as a jumping off point for shitty bits

When he does a chip YouTube on Twitter that's more than 20seconds I usually don't make it to the end

yeah, and the live chip stinks. Plus, he really pushes it with trying to say words weird, like pod-a-cast.

I can't believe I'm discussing a fictional character, online.

I always thought it was retarded & I don't get why this otherwise hilarious subreddit thinks it's funny.

Nice try, Opie.

He said Chip not Uncle Paul

As long as he doesn't bleed on me

I say it in almost every chip thread.

Chip is funny in theory, but he's not enough to sustain an entire cartoon.

Jim killed his characters the day he put a face to them. He's getting greedy.

Jim's worst character by far

my last remaining attachment to chip was ruined by that cartoon, chip's dead to me

I love the character, it's the execution of the show i have a problem with.

I miss chip n dip

I will always love chip in his natural setting. The cartoon feels like my friends doing chip and that sucks.

Not at all, I can listen to him all day.

No, not really. I don't listen to the show anymore, today I did because of no tits show. What do you expect? Jimmy not talking about his big project? I rather hear Jim do his dumb characters, than trying to hold a conversation with a dumb autistic fool who is obsessed with going viral and who cant follow conversations or social cues.

O&J is dogshit radio, period.

It's a combo between today and him over-using chip all the time now. It may be because he just doesn't want to converse with Opie and would rather have chip do it, though.

Still love the Chippah....that cartoon sucked ass though. Hoping Jimmy(and the art crew) really step it the fuck up.


I guess no one watched the show...