Jimmy has already done a fair amount of production on it why he asking for money? Just to recoup his own losses. wow that's ballsy

2  2016-02-16 by SirWallaceII

Jimmy would rip any other person for doing this it's really quite laughable he went from a fine beautiful butterfly and transformed into a little sniveling worm.

200 k for the pile of shit?


Remember when he tried to get all his comic friends to get on board with a project he was doing, and they either passed or ignored him... then he proceeded to block all of them on Twitter?

These guys know him personally, and thought he was a bad bet. So I don't know why people that only know him from the show would give anything to this failure.


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what project/ when was this?

When are Jim and Anthony going to finally accept that their genius comes only from reactionary comedy? Anthony's lack of a second chair on TACs and struggle to entertain are directly a result of not having a good riff - and Jims recent struggle has been a direct result of sitting across from Tit - who offers the only an occasional sniffgrunt and abrupt topic change. Flap tit got one thing right (between the sniffles and periods) that the obvious show is Anthony and Jim. I haven't told anyone that but that's what I was thinking...


Norton is that fat kid in school who had no friends but had a car or an Xbox. Tolerable in small doses but only call him when you need something like a ride or to play Games you don't have (radio promotion, defense for joke stealing)

He doesn't realize he has no friends until that one day he ask for a ride and no one comes. He sits weeping and thinking about all he's done for others and how wrong they are for ignoring him. Then he blocks them on Twitter. Finally he gets his big great idea to really make it and be liked! So he asked everyone he knows for a little help only, oh no, no one cares or things it's worth supporting.
He's only worth the cost of spending time with him while doing his show for their own benefit. He is no creative genius or funny comic. He is a great 2nd mic reactionary comic with quick jabs playing off others. That's all.

Who cares? Don't give.

I won't. But I will certainly complain like a hen on here, sir

It's the right thing to do.

Me cares

You don't listen very well do you?

No. I listen perfect.

No. I listen perfect.