I will fund Jim's Chip show if...

3  2016-02-16 by PaterLafleur

He agrees to sit down and get hammered with me.

Let's see how far he is willing to go to get $200K.

What would you need from Jim to give him that kind of money?


Make Opie cry every day until the contract ends

If I had $200,000 I wouldn't be thinking about Jim and his show.

For him to attack Schumer.

A few chippah on the street videos to see which ones do better.

You're going down LaFleur!

You couldn't handle the darkness of his alcoholism that plagued him for 6 months.



Eat a crave case, than keep up with me drinking a pint of whisky , while he gets overly emotional about how much he just ate, how he hates him self, I punch him in the face continually and pee on him until I black out . when I wake up, I make him go to work with his face all fucked up, and clothes soaked and pee , and make him explain the whole thing on the raqio

Make a better cartoon

Kill you

I will contribute if at $200k he kills himself, live at the compound.

tss tss I got 300L....cock sucka dvv dvv

he sucks my cock.

That's so gay