Luis Gomez, and Dave Smith Podcasts turning subscription. "2 Week Free Trial" Can't wait to pay for these 2 podcasts

1  2016-02-16 by jonesy6969


This subscription based pod-casting thing is getting way too popular. To me no podcast is worth paying whatever monthly charge they come up with. Most of them put little to no work into it, so you are basically paying to eavesdrop on a bunch of small talk once a week. Comics should be happy putting out a free podcast with a couple live reads, they get to build an audience, plug their gigs and make a little money on the side. Anyone that pays for podcasts has been duped into thinking what these people put out on a weekly basis is worth paying for.

The hosts and guests spend every minute they can plugging their books, comedy dates, and live specials.

I cant believe the number of millionaires with podcasts who still insist on begging for the pennies they will get from their working-class audience.

Some guy with a Porsche and a pool REALLY needs me to buy Sherries Berries? 5 minutes of Stamps.Com on a 30 minute "fart joke freestyle" by 2 D list comedians? I hope they all start to charge, just so I have an excuse to stop listening and never have to hear an Onnit or Me Undies commercial ever again.

I stopped listening to podcasts a while ago for this reason. Its just too much bullshit. My brain is a landfill for all these people to put their garbage in.

Absolutely right. A podcast is virtually free promotion. Especially now that basically everyone has a podcast. Pay podcasts are like TV companies asking you for money to watch infomercials.

Pay podcasts are like TV companies asking you for money to watch infomercials.

you mean like right now?

you pay cable companies and you also have to watch commercials.

I meant sunday infomercials on basic stations like NBC

I love these guys but what a dumb fucking endeavor.

Again, this only works if you have a devoted following like Ant had or Artie has. And that is after decades of being in the eye on the most popular radio shows. For two nobody comics to actually think they could do the same after a year or so popularity is ludicrous.



2016-02-15 21:36 UTC

For those wondering... #GaSDigital podcasts will always be free to download! More details + 5th show announcement very very soon!

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I'm confused, why would you need a free trial if the shows are free?

Id bet its free to download and listen to the audio a week later. If u want video and live, its a premium. Love LJG, but I think he blew his nut to early to start charging.

Luis will probably talk about it next time he does the real ass podcast

You guys don't want some gas digitals tees and hats?

LOS has peaked. It's slowly starting to crash into what YKWD has become. Fuck paying anymore $$ just to hear more of the same banter from a retard and a smarmy unfunny Jew. Big Jay is even starting to annoy me.

You're right. They seemed to be on such a roll, and then they joined the network, and it just became kind of boring. I can't figure out exactly

The legion of skanks show is great on tacs but theres no way in hell those other shows they do are worth paying for they are out of their minds

The most recent episode I watched on youtube they spent the first 30-40 minutes of the show giving updates about their current social media beefs.



2016-02-16 02:06 UTC

Very excited about the @gasdigital move. If you have any questions here is a reddit thread where I will answer them

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Gas Digital?

I can only assume it's "Gomez and smith"

Good call. VURRRY GHEY

So are they off Ant's network, is this an additional podcast that luis and dave are doing? Are they still on Tacs, but they'll do 2 podcasts on GAS DIGITAL MAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNN? How many podcasts does luis think he needs to do instead of working on his comedy?



2016-02-15 21:36 UTC

For those wondering... #GaSDigital podcasts will always be free to download! More details + 5th show announcement very very soon!

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