Is Jimmy going to have an on-air meltdown when his Indigogo doesn't meet its goal?

18  2016-02-15 by [deleted]



His biggest mistake was thinking his fans have money.

jimmy has money. why wouldnt he just put up his own cash and bet on himself. if he came on air and said. im paying for it. i believe in it. i want to do this for the fans. i believe in have some respect for him and support his venture.

He's going to post on here "ANY OF YOU COULD HAVE DONATED"

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And I was working an actual job at the time so I wasn't constantly updating twitter

Jokes on him all of us did.

Meltdown? He'll have a celebration off-air that he profited 50-100k and apparently already had two of the episodes in the can!

Or he'll just make it with half of what he asked for and that will be that.

People here will still raise fists for some reason

I'm sure you're right, since it seems like he's already made two episodes, and maybe more. Why wouldn't people be pissed it was made to look like he needed 200k to begin production?

he needed 200k to begin production?

Tell us more about Building 7, you fucking gay.

I think it stalls out at $50 - 60,000. Most of the hardcore fans only gave just enough to get the t-shirt, which seems to be the most wanted perk. I also see that the biggest contributor is only 1 $2500 backer, who I'd bet is Cumia or Opie.

In a month or two, he'll have a meltdown, and blame the listeners for not backing the show based products that they're been asking for. Then every once and a while, we'll be treated to another round of it when he feels his career isn't headed in the right direction.

He should scrap the project now, refund the money, and just sell Chip shirts and novelties. It would probably turn out way more lucrative for him in the long run.

Waoh waoh waoh, pump the breaks for a second. Tell me about this T-shirt.

$100 and up gets it. Of course Norton hasn't said anything about the design, and a lot of fans keep asking for more xl+ sizes to be added.

Hmmmmmmm, so, Jimmy makes cartoon no one likes, Jimmy makes t-shirts people like, Jimmy sells t-shirts for a hundred dollars. This sounds like an always sunny scam.

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Jimmys next business venture , door to door vaccum and knife salesman.

Funnily enough, a hidden-camera show with Chip going door to door selling ridiculous shit would be a huge hit.

Fawk yeah

Frank is a genius.

something tells me jim's next venture is buying gasoline and reselling it


fucking fat pigs

I call bullshit on the money he already supposedly raised. 444 backers donate a total of $35000 and only one comment "tss"? Most of those backers donating over $100 for a shitty unfunny animation? There aren't 444 people retarded enough with disposable cash.

I smell a quanspiracy (which smells an awful lot like vaginosis).


Maybe he could sell some shirts on the opieradio store?

It's a referendum on how few listeners O&J have. While O&A were on the air, Jimmy had a pair of top ten NYTimes best selling books.

Now, he has the cash equivalent of a week's worth of Starbucks.


"You guys, the fans, wanted this but nobody can put their money where their mouths are..."

buncha anonymous jizzbag

No he will internalize his shame and mumble to himself

I mumble you

It's complete shit.

I'm simply tired of his hypocrisy and arrogance. He tries so hard to champion a raw and honest personality, yet he is the first to defend his self-interest when the truth is inconvenient. When the cake-stomp controversy was happening, he explicitly mentioned repeatedly that they give him money afterwards as a sign of respect and apology. Yet in the fucking video, Tits throws a ball of clumped dollars at the guy like he's a pathetic sub-human.

When they caught their intern trash-talking them through Email, by checking his private Email, Jim voiced no objection, in fact, he said something along the lines of "Just because we violated your privacy, that doesn't make what you did alright." Which, of course, is contrary to everything he says.

This would all be semi-acceptable if he didn't assume his fans are mouth-breathing morons who are barely capable of uttering coherent sentences or logical thoughts. Sometimes he is too impressed by his vocabulary to actually understand the words he is using.

That's my rant.

This is gonna end the whole "Chippah" bit.

Flex funding, he gets to keep everything he gets. If it doesn't meet the goal he'll just do like 2 and quit.

I'm worried that you guys are going to drive him to drink. He is a talented fucker but god dammit I hate Opie and Jimmy legitimizes him.

on the one hand you would think his rich pals would contribute, but on the other hand i'm not sure if i was them if i would contribute knowing that jimmy didn't want to put up his own money. maybe he did, but it just came off so bad when he was like "i just don't wanna lose money"

He makes it seem like he's doing it as a favor for the fans. Pony up the loot and he'll bring the laughs!

hypothetically, if one of his friends with millions of followers, like Amy or Gervais, retweet the link, is there any possibility that someone who doesn't know who Jim is donates the money based on the pilot? It seems completely inaccessible to anyone who hasn't been listening to the show for 10years. $200k seems like a lot to spend on an inside joke

This will be a psychological experiment in crowd funding.

Fans want to support him but see the project as not good. Will some odd combination of guilt and responsibility inspire people on the fence to pony up, or will the crowdfunding experiment create a backlash when Jimmy gets butthurt at the fans who support him?

I already said in another thread that I'd be surprised if it hit 50k

I thought $100k would be shocking. I'd assume that most of the pledges would be made within the first week or so. He's had his big initial push and now it's starting to fizzle fast. I'm thinking you're right... $50k is pushing it. His only hope now are some big money donations from his comic friends who can't even bother tweeting their support.

It's ironic, considering all the years he has spent hawking other peoples' garbage projects.

jimmy makes huge money from o & j and touring. it's a dirty move asking us to fund his shit. did anthony set up an idigogo to pay for his studio when he got fired and lost his money/gig? no. he put up his own cash. employed people.paid people. you gotta respect that. thats what men do. he gambled on himself. he bet on himself. hes not looking for a fucking handout. jimmy wont get a fucking penny off me. PUT UP YOUR OWN CASH BITCH.

Wasn't it enough that we made him a NYT best selling author?

its at $34, 881 right now, it seems like it might be slowing down though.

You think? Wasn't it at like $25K the first day and has got about $3K a day since? He has to average over $5K a day for the rest of the month for it to reach $200K.. And if he's not even bringing in $5K a day on days 2, 3, & 4, then I don't see that happening.

he gets to keep them, so doesnt matter what the goal is

Was he going to do 10 episodes with the $200K? So I'm guessing he'll probably do an episode for every $20K he raises.. So right now.. We get the "pilot" episode.

i think the goal is 5 episode if it reaches 200k. it seems like he already got 2 episodes done, so i imagine the 34k he got right now is to recap the loses. i dont know any of this shit but i would figure the first few episodes would require much more money for character/art design/music etc till they got it streamlined

He'll make the adjustment to cut costs. Jimmy will do man on the street Chip shit, cutting back to animated Chip and friends commenting on the man on the street clips Beavis and Butthead style.

Cut Sherrod and Kenny, absolutely no one was begging for more projects from them.

I think a half "real" and half animated show would be better than a 100% animated show.

He still gets the money if i'm not mistaken? Im sure with whatever portion of the 200k he gets he'll embezzle half of it, and then dump the other half on a half assed 6 episode run of the show. It'll bomb, and he'll lose interest in yet another failed non-radio endeavor.

i was expecting him trying to raise 10-25k, when i saw 200,000 i was offended (not really). Thats a lot and for what? He seems likes hes not that into it, like his management convinced him he needed more of an online presence and he should come up w ideas for digital content. I HOPE AND PRAY he falls short and we see a good ol' fashioned self-hatred rant or some type of meltdown

Jim will have to start a clipsforsale site and sell videos of him jerking off in order to pay for his dumb cartoon.

The "perks" are a riot. Drop $250 and Chip will make fun of a photo of you for 7 seconds... plus you get a retweet! Better get in there fast though, there are already 2 of 250 claimed!

You can also get a text message composed by Chip to send to a friend. Cause no one here knows how to talk like Chip in a text.

I finally forced myself to see the teaser.

Its not good.

Oh, I hope so!

I'd settle for him relapsing.

Hide the wine coolers.

Ok I know we're all joking around here but I drank 7 wine coolers when I was 16, I sobered up and never looked back and I'm better then everyone because of it.

Did you drink all 7 at the same time? That's the real question.

I'm still alive, so no.

Norton is still relevant?

jimmy has money. why wouldnt he just put up his own cash and bet on himself. if he came on air and said. im paying for it. i believe in it. i want to do this for the fans. i believe in have some respect for him and support his venture.