Lasanga Hat Leap Year is just 2 cheesecoated weeks away gang

11  2016-02-15 by bnvjgj

just a reminder friends, no wait, family : )



Is this why the blacks are so uppity lately?

It's a year, not a day.

Although we should dose O A and J with an extra dose of hatred on the 29th since it is a central point in our calendar.

Hopefully a meteor drops in the Pacific Ocean that day, and fans of comedy will finally be free of hyper lib LA comedy, and 100000 unfunny sitcom seeking assholes looking to be the next Ray Romano, Kevin James, or Seinfeld.

I see this brought up now and again. Clip anybody?

thank you for your service

We don't need a reminder. You can't turn on a radio or tv without all the Lasanga Hat songs and all the decorations all over the place.

Some shops started their Lasagna Hat themed decorations on Jan 1st. I swear it get's earlier every leap year.

thank you for your service