Amy and her band of thieves won a Writers Guild award for best writing in a sketch series this weekend

55  2016-02-15 by Ant_Sucks


They were up against Key and Peele, which is ironic considering Peele was in that MadTV sketch they stole from.


I just thought the same thing. They might not be everyone's cup of piss but they, from what I've seen, at least appear to be relatively original. Don't mind their show at all. I tried and couldn't watch Inside Miss Piggy

Fat acceptance movement more important than racial diversity. Both are shit but it's good to know approximately where on the ladder it stands

Never shit talk those guys. They'll kick Amy like Opie kicks Chester.

Cover bands get awards now huh?

What's next? 2U getting a Grammy?

I heard white hendrix is in the running

Who did Kurt steal it from?

The Jewish community when he abducted his girlfriend

As though entertainment awards were ever legitimate.

They deserve this award. The hours spent agonising over which jokes to steal and attempting to make a pig appear humerous, Bravo!!!!!

In their defense, they did put in a lot of effort transcribing jokes and sketches from random comedians on the Internet.

They should have given her the award and then the moment she opened her mouth to speak, dumped 20 gallons of pig blood on her ahead.

Here's a transcript of the acceptance speech:

Hello. My name is Sacheen Littlefeather Amy Schumer. I'm Apache and I am president of the National Native American Affirmative Image Committee. I'm representing Marlon Brando Inside Amy Schumer this evening and he has asked me to tell you in a very long speech, which I cannot share with you presently because of time but I will be glad to share with the press afterwards, that he very regretfully cannot accept this very generous award. And the reasons for this being are the treatment of American Indians today by the film industry – excuse me – and on television in movie reruns, and also with recent happenings at Wounded Knee. I beg at this time that I have not intruded upon this evening and that we will in the future, our hearts and our understandings will meet with love and generosity. Thank you on behalf of Marlon Brando Amy Schumer.

It takes a village, or guild.

Please tell me it's not for that terrible "milk milk lemonade" sketch. God that was cringe-inducing.


"I hear these guys have had a lot of heat lately...." And then everyone else clambered with agreement

This is so funny because this subreddit talks itself up as a formidable force but in reality it didn't make a dent in Amy Schumer's career.

It made national headlines, forcing A list directors and comics(though Z grade in talent) to defend her publicly. It forced her to lower herself to doing Jimmy's advice show at eww.. his apartment.

And judging by the laugh Bonnie got comics and comedy fans KNOW what a thieving hack Amy is now. Listen to that laughter. They KNOW. This will follow Amy forever.

The career part we can't do much about. However now that the cat is out of the bag every article that covers her new sketches this summer will either come with a reminder of the accusation, or someone will do it in the comments. People will be watching her like a hawk. Even the slightest similarity will be added to the evidence pile, whether she stole it or not. Her old admissions to grand larceny can now be put in a new light. These accusations will be baggage she'll have to deal with forever. Sooner or later they're going to influence some studio exec to shut the door on her, and she'll go back to touring and shoplifting.

She will be a distant memory two years from now. Look at every one of her videos on YouTube or any article about her and the comments are filled with people calling her either a thief or a hack.

Im starting to think that all comics are thieves...thats why they are so reluctant to out plagurists. The only one i can think of is Rogan and he is kinda an outlier in comedy, not a full professional. When he started in on mencia, he was not joined by many if any other comics. He even had to twist arms to get people who KNEW mencia was a thief to say its true. Even people who have their shit stolen dont make a big deal out of it. If i remember correctly the biggest reaction was Bill Hicks basically just saying "Hey what the fuck?" to dennis leary.

Dolla Dolla Bills yall! The name of the pilot was Wong weigh