If you donate money to The Worm, you help fund amazing interviews like this...

0  2016-02-15 by LouieBeanz


Hmm... she's in my left ear and he's in my right.... yeah, nothing annoying about that

Poor Colin Quinn, say what you want but this man shouldn't waste his time like this.

Stooping to such a level to appear on the podcast of an unfunny vapid cunt just to do your spineless friend a favour is a self sacrifice rarely seen in show-business.

Does she just mindlessly babble the entire podcast?

I skimmed through and it mostly just seems like her talking nonstop about uninteresting shit and a polite Colin going along with it.

What a monumental waste of Colin Quinn's time. Why is jimmy trying to buy back this vapid cunts love with a cartoon.

Probably because she does dirty shit in bed. Its jim norton here

What's the story behind this?

The comments on this vid are classic. I'll assume they're accurate and not listen.

ShE iS vErY tAlEnTeD ......

ApRuL fAwLzsSSs...

If I was a wealthy man I would pay to have her killed.