List of Jimmy's friends who haven't tweeted about his cartoon.

33  2016-02-15 by kevin121312






Amy (she deserves to be here more than once, after he defended her)



I fucking LOVE that Colin hasn't promoted it.

It's hilarious but, I actually feel bad for Jimmy at this point.

Do you?

Amy has been promoting the hell out of Nicky Glazer's show. Haha, Jim when are you going to realize you're the nice guy friend she doesn't give a shit about.

She also promoted a 7 year old movie the other day - Goon with Sean William Scott. It turns out that the writer is Seth Rogen's writing partner, so maybe she was just doing him a favor. Either way, Jimmy should be LIVID that she couldn't just retweet his link. If her idiot drones are as stupid as Rogan's, then Jimmy would be at 70k by now.

I bet he'll text her and ask her to do him a favor and remind her about him letting her take over his whole show to defend herself and him not rebutting anything (because there was only one mic).

Goon was decent though, and Sean William Scott has always been pretty good on the radio.

Good movie, consistently funny, and Sean William was great in his part. He was always great on O+A too, as you said, he told some decent stories too.

The Steve Martin piss bottle story was great

Goon is worth promoting. So cant fault Amy for that one.

She can't back Jimmy's cartoon because it is going to promote sexism, homophobia, pedophilia and various other topics that she can no longer support because she has stripped away her white republican act and is now standing proudly in the sun as a feminist icon. She can of course make those sort of jokes herself because when she does them they are ironic and poking fun at the system and misogynistic old white men in power.

Plus she's an ungrateful fat cunt.

she fuckin eats YUMMY food A LOT!

Goon 2 is coming out in a few months so she probably helped get some chatter going. I wouldn't be surprised if she just belly bumped here way into another movie she doesn't deserve

I'm cautious about Goon 2. I'm glad it's getting made because I love the first one but a big part of the reason it was so great was the interaction between Ross the Boss and Doug.

Amy ignoring Jimmy is THE fucking best part.

Jimmy has always been the "I tell it like it is guy" and he put his balls into the pig pin to stand up for the joke thief.

And the bitch that causes him to pussify his brand won't even retweet his important project.

It's perfect.

Rogan was jacked up on Alpha brain,and it actually worked, he saw it was shit.

He popped an edible and floated. In between dreaming about steroids and Rhonda Rousey shitting in his mouth, he realized Jim lives in a nicer place than he does, and decided to ignore it.

Jim lives in a nicer place than he does

Like it or not, Rogan is making money hand over fist. Jimmy isn't even close.

I do like Rogan funny enough. I just hate when he goes full meathead.

I hope his new diet makes him sick.

I never realized how much I want Rhonda Rousey to shit on my mouth until I read your comment. Thanks for helping me along my path of self-discovery friend! :)

Holy Shit! I just fucking spit up soda all over my screen reading that.

Did you really?

I had to pull over!! Yuck.

Amy found material in it that she wants for her show, so she won't be tweeting it.

I'll buy that, quality level is on par.


Maybe he'll stop following all his friends on Twitter again.

That was so bizarre.

At least Colin called him on his teenage girl bullshit.

Seriously. Colin is a fucking saint.

What? Jimmy did that?

Indeed he did, and Colin smashed him for it:



blah blah blah people will only be your friend so they can use you yada yada yada. some depressed high school girl bullshit

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Did he unfollow everyone because they wouldn't lend their voices to his first incarnation of the Chip show or was this some other 4 episode shit pile, 3 years ago?

I think it was his Vice show.

Gilbert just did an ama and was asked if he was promoting anything... Nope.

Gilbert's more embarrassed about that appearance than Return of Jafar.

I was hoping this would be a deal where it was so long I had to scroll down

I'm sure people will add to it. I wanted to make it a participation exercise.

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Did Patrice?

He would have wanted Jimmy to put out a widely panned piece of shit!

Only so he could've laughed at Jimbo

Couple more -

1) Sam Roberts - no.

2) Denny - No.

3) Mike Tyson - No.

4) Bailey Jay - No. Maybe a falling out somewhere, haven't heard about her in a long time.

5) NYC Vixen, who works for Sirius, and is always in Cumia's timeline - Nope.

6) Justin Stangle - no. Other Stangle - Yes.

7) Roland - no.

8) Erock - No.

9) Burr - no.

10) Attell - No.

11) Jay Mohr - No.

12) Breuer - No.

13) Gervais - No.

Personally, the ones that would hurt me the most are the Sirius guys, he shares his days with them.

Holy shit, even Dr. Steve hasn't tweeted or retweeted it. Poor Jimmy.

Dana White

Jay Leno

Stuttering John

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Others -

1) Kevin Hart - He's a big one, who's usually easy to get a retweet from. None for Jimbo though.

2) Chelsea Peretti - Jim used to get the snatch, but he ain't getting no retweets.

3) Von Decarlo - Nopity, nope, nope.

4) Esther Ku - lots of Cumia talk, none for Jimmy.

5) Artie - No.

6) Nick - No.

7) Vos - No.

8) Bennington - No.

9) Ozzy - Nope.

10) Black Sabbath - No.

11) Sherrod - No retweet, just a little acknowledgement to a fan that said he was good in his part.

The ghost of Patrice - No

Alcoholics Anonymous - the budlight division - no

Ghost of Steve C - yessssss... I mean, No

Louie deleted his Twitter when Norton pitched him the idea.

If anything might finally lead to Jim killing himself, I think it might be this.

The only one that did was that who-or personal trainer on That Metal Show

This is ace, Amy has to tweet this dog shit project, or stiff Jim, which will depress the little worm even further. Given the way stuff on here gets picked up without being acknowledged, I think the Shumo-wrestler with give a half-assed RT. The fat pig.

I agree. I think word will get around that she didn't help him and do exactly what you said. Then Jim will ask everyone to retweet that.

I was listening to Kevin Brennan's podcast where he asked Amy to retweet something for him and jokingly offered her 30 bucks. She said it would take 500. I know she was joking about the 500 (hopefully) but she never retweeted it for him.

Oh I know, she's such a cunt that this will annoy her, and she'll probably have to have the content of the 'pilot' checked by her people to make sure it's 'on-brand', which it isn't. So she has 2 shitty choices, and that pleases me.

Actually, I might be wrong - maybe Madonna's PR people are big fans of Chip, LOL.

some of them may be promoting it on the last couple of days, when the project is short only $150k, and needs a final little boost.

Is it time for a twittergate part 2 - unfollow everyone this time like a resentful creep

Has anyone besides Opie and Anthony tweeted it

Is Dice actually anyone's friend?

He brought Jimmy on OnA for the first time and Jimmy's promoted his stuff.

Sorry, I missed that. What am I, fiiiiiive?

I notice not many are including the words funny, hilarious, hysterical, or any other superlative one would normally attach to a comedy project in their tweets.

True. That was an obligatory tweet.

I don't think even Bobo has tweeted about it. O, J, & A can't even get their number one wack packer to go along with it.

Derek Jeter won't sign off on this project

Yeah but to be fair if I just put a piece of shit out and asked 200k for it I wouldn't want my friends to see it let alone help promote it.

If Amy retweeted it, imagine how fucking horrible the "chip chipperson pilot" would play for an audience that doesn't know who the fuck he is or the characters he plays. It must just look like nonsense

exactly. He's stuck in the OnA universe. His last NATIONAL comedy hour had chip jokes and jokes about ant in it! the only people who want a chip cartoon are the ones who donated. If he doesn't get the 200k, I hope he just returns the money to everyone.


RACBFAD ? I do not get it ... It's a quanspiricy ? What ?

What about Tits and Plugs? I'm pretty sure they tweeted it out.

I think they both did. Ant would blow jimmy on-air if it meant that he'd consider joining the TACS network, at this point.

He wouldnt do that because it would be funny, something TACS is not.

To be fair, I think if Ant had Jim around and something to guide the show he'd be funny again. He needs to stop going in half drunk and without a pick of content. At least he was fired before he ended up like O&J

I would blow Jimmy on air if it meant he'd consider joining the TACS network.

Which is why they aren't included in this list of people who didn't retweet that horrible pile of shit cartoon.

Ah. I was confused. That's a shame, I'm proud of putting "Tits and Plugs" down.

she did Jimmy's advice show once, as a really big favor to Jim. Maybe she will do some voice work, it would only take a couple hours.After all, Jim did let her open for him all those years.

I'm sure Amy won't forget.

They are doing him a favor while he fixes that shit.

Obama - no


"Norton, what are you doing with these fuckin retarded cartoons? Ya here me? I'm over here nowwwww"



Ah. I was confused. That's a shame, I'm proud of putting "Tits and Plugs" down.

Goon was decent though, and Sean William Scott has always been pretty good on the radio.

Goon is worth promoting. So cant fault Amy for that one.

She can't back Jimmy's cartoon because it is going to promote sexism, homophobia, pedophilia and various other topics that she can no longer support because she has stripped away her white republican act and is now standing proudly in the sun as a feminist icon. She can of course make those sort of jokes herself because when she does them they are ironic and poking fun at the system and misogynistic old white men in power.

Plus she's an ungrateful fat cunt.

Goon 2 is coming out in a few months so she probably helped get some chatter going. I wouldn't be surprised if she just belly bumped here way into another movie she doesn't deserve

I had to pull over!! Yuck.