Jim doesn't like South Park, self-admitted. Yet he wants an animated show

53  2016-02-15 by SirWallaceII

You can go back and hear him trash animation all the time its really pathetic and now he wants to do one and asked fans for money. wow

Screw you guys I'm going home


Jim doesn't watch other comics and still (poorly) attempts to do specials.

Jim is not insightful or educated and still (poorly) pontificates about shit he has no clue about.

Jim drank half a can of Miller light, made a prank call and went to rehab, now he's a spokesman for AA.

Jim is an idiot. A quickwitted funny motherfucker, but an idiot nontheless. So I'm not really looking for logic in his actions.

Jim drank half a can of Miller light, made a prank call and went to rehab, now he's a spokesman for AA.

I get douche chills hearing him pontificate on alcoholism. I was listening to one of their shows the other day where they were talking about near beer and some guy who said he was a recovering alcoholic said he drinks O'Doul's and Jimmy got condescending and all knowing about being an alcoholic. I had to turn it off, I couldn't listen to his holier than thou attitude, it was sickening.

That's one of my most hated Jimmy clips of all time. He was so passive-aggressive it was enraging.

Caller: I can drink O'Doul's and be fine.

Jim: Sure brother, whatever works for you. If you think you're fine that's all that matters.

Caller: No, really, I've been drinking it for years, I've never had a problem .

Jim: Hey man, that's great. If you think that you don't have a problem, you must not.

That's exactly when I turned it off!! The tone in Jimmy's voice as he said that to the guy was just so blecchhhhh. He was trying to come off as superior and belittle the guy and make it all about himself. I don't know how any of the comedians he hangs out with who are true recovering alcoholics and drug addicts can stand him when he does that shit.


Jim trying pull that shit on Stanhope is the best. Hell anyone (especially Rogan) trying to lecture Stanhope is the best. It's futile at best and with Jimmy it exposes him as a straight bitch made.

did that happen or are you just speculating?

May 2013. stanhope's last visit to O&A.


Semper fi

It happened. It's pretty easy to find on YouTube. It's when Stanhope came in to the studio

Stanhope called him a dry drunk and pretty much silenced Jim.

Either it really happened or I imagined a hypothetical meeting of these personalities and speculated on how that may play out.

Hint: I am not smart

Rich Vostein is the absolute worst with the pontification. I can't stand listening to that slurpee mouth Jew talk about addiction.

He can be annoying but I think he truly had a drugs and alcohol addiction problem when he was younger. So when he speaks on it he comes from a real place as opposed to Jimmy who had a wild weekend and has milked it for 30 years so he can get some attention. Because ultimately that is all it is with Jimmy, attention. He was a nothing growing up and he is a nothing now and he can't stand that and wants so desperately to be liked and have people listen to him so it is...."Look at me!! I'm Jim Norton and I'm an addict!! I'm different and special!! Pay attention to me and what I have to say!!"

And it's really sad because he has a decent career and most people on this board would trade places with him for the minor celebrity and the big money. Albeit without the sucking guys cocks, trannies, getting ass fucked and having shit dropped on our chest and in our mouth.

Matt and Trey have more talent in their excrement than Jimmy has in his entire homely body.

Matt is more talented than Jimmy & Trey is a next level genius

People throw the label genius around too much, but Trey is one of the few guys that deserves it.

That's right, you don't see Mr. Hanky with an indiegogo project.

edit: grammar

Huh, and I thought this was a solid joke. It must have been shittier than I thought.

It's a seeing eye single, you shouldn't be getting downvoted.

Thank you, I appreciate that. And I learned a new metaphor today.

I don't think he trashed South Park, he said that it's moronic how people will accept any racial commentary when it comes from a cartoon

Correct. He's mostly pissed about Tough Crowd. They got the boot because they "already had a political show in TDS", which conveniently was very left leaning. He resented that the only way the right point of view was acceptable was through the unseriousness that a goofy animation brought with it. I think he thought it allowed them to duck any criticism for airing it, like they could say "oh that cartoon? Ah, that's just the boys being silly!"

It actually is a pretty enraging excuse to say "we already have a political talk show, so that's covered. So, ya see, you'd just be redundant", when it's only the one side of politics that was "covered".

Tough Crowd was phenomenal and I'd be unbelievably pissed at that whole situation too.

Hahaha, what a load of shit. These fags make fun of Scorch for buying the pizza/hamburger excuse from a program director when they booted him, but they(and you)believe this from the comedy central execs? It didn't get cancelled because of that. It got cancelled because no one fucking watched it. No wonder these idiots couldn't get any ratings anywhere and their biggest fans openly hate them.

He's said 'I hate South Park' and that just hearing the characters' voices annoyed him. It's just one of many things he's chosen to take personally and lash out at for reasons beyond its actual content.

I'm fairly certain he's a big fan of Matt & Trey even if he doesn't watch South Park.

He has said Book of Mormon is one of the best things he's ever seen.

Right! He's been fairly consistant about this.

I think he just wants the leeway cartoons are afforded.

Apples and oranges Jimmy.

Yeah, this isn't fair at all. He's said its annoying that they can get away with more than he and other comics can because theyre an animated show. It was more against networks and censors than it was a jab at south park as a show. I know it's fun to hate Jim but this is misguided.

yes, he loves non-animation stuff. but, like florentine and bennington and a lot of other older men, animation is worthless dogshit to him. he's too cool for that.

south park is too big for him to ever say anything bad about it, but that's his take on all adult comedy cartoons pretty much. he doesn't get them.

My favorite episode is when Chef becomes brainwashed and starts molesting kids.

When you become a scientologist, and refuse to play ball, you're going to end up a pedo.

I'm sorry I just don't think Chip is an interesting enough character to rate his own show. Even when you add in Uncle Paul, Edgar, Ted, and others. His characters aren't relateable enough to carry a show.

This would be like if South Park wasn't about Stan, Kyle, Cartmen, and Kenny but instead about Towlie, Mr. Hanky, Mr. Slave, and Timmy.

Kind of like saying you hate Metallica and Sabbath but want to start a metal band.

I love Jimmy as a 3rd mic and a guest on other shows, I like the ask Jim show. But the cartoon kind of sucked, and I hate Jimmy's stand-up. But maybe because I have heard it all before on O&A.

Yeah exactly, its like a musician who doesnt listen to music, or an artist who doesnt look at art, your supposed to be inspired by other people. The worst thing is he then gives his opinion about other comics but he hasnt actually watched any of it, best example is saying bill hicks is overrated but also says hes never watched him.. I do like Jimbo but hes a fuckhead. and hes doing the cartoon because burr did one, it stinks doe dvv dvv

Bill Hicks IS overrated though.

If Hicks was as funny as he was smug, he'd still be dead, because that shit doesn't effect cancer.

Bill Hicks never translated well on a recording. People who regularly saw him live often say he was one of the best.

Oh, why? Cause he made fun of pop culture (his New Kids on the Block material is aging way worse than Jimmy's Sandusky shit) or because he made fun of the rednecks and the 'Publicans? (Totally original and non hacky, right gang?) He died young, didn't break out into huge fame, and had some material stolen. That don't mean he was one of the best.

Edit* Bill Hicks was more concerned with being pretentious than being funny.


^ Bill Hicks act

Bill Hicks act needs to be taken in context. Who else was going that hard against the mainstream in 1989? You're gonna compare him to comics that came way after him and were heavily influenced by him? Isn't that just you being a flighty little prick?

Who else was railing that hard against the mainstream in 1989? Kinison and Carlin did it world's better without going after goofy shit like Tiffany and Billy Ray Cyrus. Talk about soft fucking targets. And the comics who were influenced by him suck. Bill Maher. Joe Rogan. John Stewart. Ew.

Sorry, thought you were being bitchy. I had no idea you were so reasonable.

edit: Aren't you just naming comics that you perceive as being liberal? This sounds like a political line-up rather than a comedy line-up.

No, I'm naming comics whos act is "railing against authority and rattlin' chains!" Stanhope should be on there, too, and Greg Giraldo.

Yeah but who before Hicks picked the same targets? That bit about the president seeing the JFK assassination from a whole new angle? I've heard dozens of people reference or outright steal that bit. He's a formative comedian.

I'm sorry, but the fact that young comics stole his material doesn't necessarily mean he's a good comic. That JFK assassination from another angle bit was interesting, but its a long way to a Meh punchline. It's way more angry and paranoid than it is funny. He would be such an embarrassment if hed survived. Best case scenario he'd be a humorless blowhard like Maron. Worst case scenario, he'd be Alex Jones.

Edit* He was very formative. But only to shitty comics who would rather "have a message" instead of "be funny". He's the personification of style over substance.

His style was what made the territory that he covered acceptable. He may have had nothing left to finish out a longer career, I can see that but he had a very particular point of view that has been so widely borrowed from that it's like an integral part of modern comedy. I respect your viewpoint.

Right on, man. :)

I liked Jimmy's earlier stuff. I get that he has a sexual addiction and all, but the fact that 90% of his stand-up is about fucking gets old. The well has done dried up.

You can dislike Sabbath and Metallica, but if you love Immolation or Darkthrone and want to start a band then who cares.

He's jealous of South Park's fame.

And thats partially one of the reasons why it fucking stunk. Not getting the medium and then using it as a platform. Not to mention that it looked like shit and had horrendous editing like luis' bomb he released. FUCKING STUPID.

When did he admit he doesn't like South Park? i've always heard him talk about how brilliant Trey and Matt are.

There was a moment after Tough Crowd was cancelled where basically anything on Comedy Central was Jim's enemy. Also the same could be said about the next couple of HBO comedy series after they cancelled Lucky Louie. He doesn't handle that stuff well

What kind of ultrafag doesn't like South Park

How can any self-respecting, intelligent person not like South Park? It's the best combination of low-brow/high-brow culture. There aren't too many genius comedians out there, but Trey Parker is a certifiable fucking genius.

Like people don't change their minds along the way? This whole fucking sub is full of people who liked the show and changed their minds. Come on

Wait, is it wrong to have liked O&J during its run and also think that O&J is a pile of shit? Different shows.

is it wrong to have liked O&J

Yes. Yes, it is. You mean O&A.

Oops I made a mistake, I meant the boys not the show.

When did Jim ever say he didn't like South Park? He may never have seen it, but I've never heard him say he doesn't like it.

When he brings up that South Park gets away with so much more than comedians, he is commenting on the moron executives at the networks, not Matt & Trey.

He never, ever said this. His frustration was that animated shows could get away with a lot more because they're animated.

Who the fuck doesn't like South Park? I don't even watch it that much, for whatever reason, but I can't deny that it it's fucking hilarious and that Matt and Trey and the rest of the writers aren't super talented.

He is so scared of being Mencia'd/Schumer'd he does not watch other comedians or comedy entertainment in general, but it holds him back because you learn how to grow and develop by watching your peers.

Plus, it doesnt help that he is autistic and has 100% focus on like two or three things that interest him and has 0% knowledge of anything else outside that sphere. Like, he can recite you the complete life story of Ozzy, but will struggle to name 5 more metal bands.

Jimmy doesnt like South Park because they are held to a different standard of censorship than he is. So rather than support a show that pushes the limits and is able to do what he wants to do, he acts like a 9 year old and refuses to watch it. That will show em jim.

Stern side projects with Robin and Gary didn't work when he had 10x the daily audience of O&A.

Imagine Jimmy thinking this would work for him now. He's a cunt, and anyone that gives money to this is equally cunty.

He always talks about how he's so mad that animated shows like South Park can get away with anything. Basically he's implying that it's easy to do what they are doing. And if he was giving that type of freedom he'd make a show as good if not better than South Park.

Is there a link to Jimmy slagging off southpark? I need to hear him say it before I rev up my hate engine.

Ugh, the defending of South Park. The show is awful now. It's nothing but shitty topical episodes now about whatever stupid celebrity is in the news. Every season most the episodes are somehow well received because "WOW THAT JUST HAPPENED LIKE 3 DAYS AGO AND HERE THEY ARE MENTIONING IT ON A CARTOON THATS QUICK!". They use that as such a crutch now, the same way the first Season was nothing but "LOL ITS KIDS AND THEY'RE CUSSING!". Season 2 really picked up and the show was great up until 2006/7, and then it just became the story of the week show. I hate the praise they get for coasting on whatever some shitty celebrity did in the news that week...

you are incorrect.

...or Family Guy or Simpsons or any animated show. He has come out as saying he doesn't get the appeal of cartoons (sans old Looney Toons era cartoons).

Then Bill starts doing a cartoon and he has an epiphone that it may be a good vehicle to deliver his many characters on so here we are. A guy that doesn't like cartoons trying to get a cartoon made. That'll work, right?

I love Jim and his characters but it seems like he's desperate...I don't blame him for wanting to get out of his situation, though. Hell, if he took the indiegogo funds and ran away with it, I'd be happy for him.

He says he's doing it because it's what the fans want. If he doesn't "raise" enough $ he'll be furious with said fans because of the lack of support and blame the project's failure on them

The cartoon sucks, but to be fair to Jim, he's never blamed the fans for his failures before.

South Park, Simpsons, Family guy, Futurama, King of the Hill, and even Beavis and Butthead in my younger days, are are great examples of animated shows done right.

If jim bothered to watch any of them, rather than troll for hookers, and edge to shemale porn, he might appreciate what those shows brought to the table..

Speaking of Beavis and Butthead, this attempt to ruin the character of Chip by animating him, seems like a cheap knockoff of them. Combine them both into one, the aggressive side (butthead), and the warped side (Beavis), you get Chip.

I'm sorry, but the fact that young comics stole his material doesn't necessarily mean he's a good comic. That JFK assassination from another angle bit was interesting, but its a long way to a Meh punchline. It's way more angry and paranoid than it is funny. He would be such an embarrassment if hed survived. Best case scenario he'd be a humorless blowhard like Maron. Worst case scenario, he'd be Alex Jones.

Edit* He was very formative. But only to shitty comics who would rather "have a message" instead of "be funny". He's the personification of style over substance.

His style was what made the territory that he covered acceptable. He may have had nothing left to finish out a longer career, I can see that but he had a very particular point of view that has been so widely borrowed from that it's like an integral part of modern comedy. I respect your viewpoint.

Right on, man. :)