Jim's project, crowd funding rant

5  2016-02-15 by PaterLafleur

I fucking hate it when people already in the entertainment

industry crowd fund shit. You can't tell me Jim doesn't know

enough people or has enough connections to pool some

investors. I bet that didn't even cross his mind. Crowd sourcing is

just a way to have zero risk financial risk. When you get free

money from people you don't have to worry about paying them

back after developing a piece of shit. I remember when Kevin

Smith was ho huming and whining about potentially having to

refinance his multi million dollar house to fund Red State but he

still managed to find some suckers to invest. Chris Hanson crowd

funded his thing, Rob Thomas his movie and a shit load of other

people are doing it too. Fuck them.

Jim should grow some balls and bring on that movie producing

machine Opie. Op's got the fuck you money and I bet he would

do it just so he could have some hold over Jim. That would be

awesome. Or he could get Colin to get his billionaire friend Jerry

to invest. I'm sure Jim's doing pretty well financially but if he

won't risk investing in himself, why should others. If someone

called the show and asked him about this, I'm sure he would go

on about not wanting to bother friends and wanting to maintain

creative control.

I noticed on his funding page that no matter what amount of

money he raises he gets to keep it. So it's win/win for Jim. I

think I'll "find" some animation software and utilize this new

concept he keeps talking about called "parallel thinking" and

develop my own show based on a character I dreamt up named

Chip Shiterston . I like Jim but I see crowd sourcing as a more

viable option for unknowns to try and get their shit made. I think

he's being lazy. Shit this is long, the wishy washy middle of the

road guy has just been rubbing me the wrong way lately.

Then again what do I know.

Edit: I would say Ant could invest but he must be hemorrhaging

money. Poor rat couldn't even get a raise to stay on. Ant's

reasoning "we're building something".


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Jimmy crowd-sourced AIDs successfully at a bath-house.

These kinds of criticisms are so fucking childish. If you can build the kind of relationship with your customers that allows the customers to finance the kinds of projects your customers like, why would you not do that? If you get funding from other sources, the money men become your bosses. They demand control over the product because they want their money back with interest and profit. So if they think Uncle Paul is too creepy to sell, they tell Jimmy to cut Uncle Paul out. If they think Chip would be more marketable if he was cute and cuddly, they nag about that and keep threatening to take the money back. So you get funding from your hardcore fan base who won't demand their money back but will demand only that you honor these beloved characters with a worthy animation. If you betray that trust, you're dead to your customers.

lets deconstruct this because your a fag

These kinds of criticisms are so fucking childish.

not agreeing with your pro jim bullshit = childish go fuck yourself

If you get funding from other sources, the money men become your bosses.

No actually they don't. Nobody has ever said Jim had to take every financial investment from every person that wants to bother him if he doesn't fundamentally change the cartoon.

If they think Chip would be more marketable if he was cute and cuddly, they nag about that and keep threatening to take the money back.

Sure because Jimmy is a worm. He doesn't have the spine to refuse large investments in his silly little project. However, it doesn't mean he needs to pillage the money from his fans instead.

So you get funding from your hardcore fan base who won't demand their money back

So you get your hardcore fan base to pay, who you can block on twitter and never have to answer to anything, ever

  Jimmy took the most pathetic route to get his show funded and the shows shit future will reflect that.

why did you do this in microsoft word and make the margins 2 and a half inches?

I don't mind crowd funding, its the "flexible funding" that makes this a clear scam.

Even the most amateur, bush league project can come up with a budget. You get enough money, you make the thing, otherwise everyone gets their money back. With flexible funding you are basically pan handling.

This is just Jimmy's version of Opie's opester mugs and instagram prints: milking the rube fans for every last cent while they still can.

right now its @ 33k, after the 10% indiegogo cut he still gets to pocket 30k. what would happen if he close out at 50k or something?

Crowd funding is really good thing for people with no money or industry contacts, but have a good idea. Jimmy has money and industry contacts. Him asking for 200k from his fans is utterly absurd.

Why wouldn't you crowdfund something if you could?

You do know that increasing your financial risk unnecessarily makes you an idiot, not "brave" or whatever.

With all the money he makes and rent he must pay, he should be embarrassed to ask for $200,000.

Are tranny hookers that expensive?

No one, including Jimmy, wants a narcisstic fuck like opie to have hold over them.

I don't mind it when they're basically pre-selling the item, like when one of the rewards is a DVD of the show. But this one is basically just shit all around.


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Whether the mark is an investor (ex. Opie giving $ to Vos) or crowd funding (suckering) from another form of marks (his fans) it's really not any different. But hey, if celebrities are able to raise cash from fans as oppose to finding an investor to loan him cash and pay interest on it then all the power to them. In 2016 he'd be stupid to not at least consider it.


Crowdfunding is generally problematic because you're asking for money directly from the people you will also be leveraging for money when the product comes out.

What do you expect? Jim's credibility as money maker has already been fucked up by that bust called The Jim Norton Show.