Joe DeRosa's Deformed Disco EP

7  2016-02-14 by NAHomoSapien


a pretty mouth, i believe it bites

believe it bites

with all it's might

oh no!

He's lyrically strong at least.

Enemy enemy enemy enemy enemy

Yeah, I'd say so

It's a toe Tapper tho gotta give him that one.

something something gloryhole

It sounds like it was made in GarageBand in 2008. His breathy vocals bring the douche factor up tenfold.

lol 2008? This is Fruity Loops circa 2001-2002 level trash.

Christ this is horrendous.

How could he do this...?

For a guy without real parents hes got incredible confidence in this crap

1-star it

Ah, c'mon guys. This is his livelihood.

There are too many things to hate in this sub. Our resources are stretched thin.

We might need to restructure. And hire some mercenaries.

Well, I like that one.

This is one of those times where I miss the show the most. The hours of brutal bashing that would come from everyone listening to these songs would be a great listen.

Didn't someone post some other EP of his here recently? Does he think he's some prolific musical genius now?

on the page that this post links to you can see that he posted another EP literally January 2016. They call him the 12 EPs per year keeeeid.

"Some things shouldn't see the light"

Yes, like your music. Let's hope it die-ies, too.

Ye totally ripped of their album cover

Parallel stinking?

AZT Soundsystem.


the arab faggot is haaaarible.

This reminds me of ja ja ja Juliaaahhh ah ah ahhhh

I can't get past the high pitched cadence in his voice. It's like I hear his shitty laugh all the time.

Soundtrack to a gay gangbang.

This just shows the level of pretence Joe 'barely human slug man' DeRosa possesses. He deserves every bit of shit flung his way until his inevitable slide into working 9-5 at a hotdog stand.

Had to turn it off at 10 seconds

I'm trying to imagine what I would think of this if I didn't know it was DeRosa and just stumbled across it on some playlist. I can't do it, though. I just look over on the right and see his dumb fucking face and shitty hipster outfit and it ruins any goodwill the listener could ever muster.

Are they purposely trying to ape kanye's life of pabalo album cover?

How could he do this...?