I can't imagine how sad a life this man must lead

73  2016-02-14 by Carl-Gustav


You realize you left your girlfriends phone number visible on the next pic over, right?

We should all leave her a sweet Valentine's Day greeting.

Maybe we can get Todd to call her

"Hello Chrisyie? This is Officer Meatballs McGillicutty. Your boyfriend was arrested for defecating down a homeless man's throat screaming 'Spread eagle cross the block'"





Just the name "PoopCockExpress" made me laugh harder than I have in weeks. Edit: Not even kidding, I'm still laughing at it, tears, literal tears streaming down my face

Its really not that funny. Calm yourself faggot.

I don't know what it is, man, it's just so fucking funny to me. I never laugh alone, laughing is like a social thing for me, but "PoopCockExpress" just broke something in my head. I don't know.

Tell us more about your laughing habits you blithering dolt


dat dont make no sense

Did it? Are they?

Sounds to me like you caught a case of the giggles, sir

I only posted one pic, not sure what you mean

Your stupidity is going to get you in trouble.
Also, clean yo sheets nigga.

When you scroll it shows all imgur submissions from this sub. Wasn't his gf.

just sent her a dick pic!

Well that's just rude. I had a decent conversation with the lovely lady.

did he delete it? i dont see anything else

This post will self destruct in 5...


Gustave Le Bon is adequate

But he can't hold a candle to Gustave Flaubert!

Dumb nigger needs to charge his phone too. What kind of savage lets their phone get below 15%?

I posted it on AlienBlue, it lets you post on Imgur without an account. Thats why the username is "(source)".

Well, some drunk from New York who doesn't charge their phone overnight or clean their sheets like a normal civilized human being fucked up

Whatever, wash your bed sheets. Also Muffin is ugly and I hope a bigger dog eats him.

Muffin was a "her", and that yapping cunt has been dead for half a year

Not Muffin!

Did she steal your prime rib?

ya kiddin'!

I'm glad to hear.


I'm just going to pretend that Oandj is a really uncommon last name.

it sounds like a retard trying to say "orange"

That's too good for this miserable cesspool of autistic fucktards.

I'm only 10% retarded alroite


Im hoping its just some dumb couple named Oscar and Janet.

Or Gus and Elmer.

Opener and Jammer.


There's a better chance it's just a huge OJ Simpson fan.

Dj Oan?

Hopefully there is a perfectly good explanation for that license plate that has nothing to do with Opie and Anthony.

Opie and Jim has nothing to do with Opie and Anthony, maybe he liked that show

There's no way that can be real

Orenthal and James.

They are a big hit in Tempe. Boring as shit radio is making a hell of a comeback. EDIT:: why are you named after a recoil-less rifle?

As douchey as some bumper stickers can be, there is nothing douchier than a vanity plate. I saw one the other day that said SHELTER. What?

This douchey white kid I used to play basketball with had a Range Rover (which his parents bought of course) with PRTYBOI on the plate.

Was his name Gregg Hughes?

Now that I think about it he did claim to be ALL IN WITH THE RAP but didn't know who Nas was

Maybe he really likes Oranges and juice


Management really likes the new direction of this SUV.

Is that the jeep from Making A Murderer?

Someone should have tried to drive that person off the road and into a tree.

Arizona is the land of desert dykes.

PS: dump that bitch. It doesn't get any better from here on out.

"Hi Opie" dude is from Arizona. This has to be him.

lmao I reflexively just uttered a huge "EEEEEEW"

No you didn't.


You couldn't have picked a worse sub to have your girlfriends phone number on.

Not my girlfriend, my post is on a communal imgur account because I used AlienBlue

Ah. Well whoever that chick is, I hope she gets paid her weight in quarters.