Some guy calls out Joe Rogan

9  2016-02-14 by Lilcumia


This guy accidentally ended up making Rogan look smart by comparison. Dunning even tweeted after this show that he embarrassed himself/had a very bad showing.

This guy is an absolute moron, he even makes Rogan look intelligent. The bit where he's arguing about vitamin intake is genuinely bizarre, he conjures up some weird idea in his mind and just keeps repeating it like a malfunctioning robot no matter how many times Rogan asks him where he's getting this idea from.

If the idea is right, why not repeat it?

Because it wasn't right.

I listened the first time when it came out, but haven't since. I think the guy's point is that you don't need vitamin supplements. Wasn't it?

Originally, yes. He was right about all the supplement scams and vitamins for sale that don't actually do anything.

But he started saying that one of Rogan's previous guests was making a claim that he had a product that would allow the body to process X amount of vitamin C or D, which would be scientifically impossible. Rogan told him that his previous guest never made such a claim. They even watched a clip from the interview proving he didn't say it. Even with all the evidence that this claim was never made Dunning kept repeating it and Rogan had to stop him every time to tell him it never happened.

Ah ok, I remember that, you're right.

That's pretty crazy that Rogan would remember a small detail like that considering how long and how often he does his podcast.

ONNIT, that's O-N-N-I-T

Brian Dunning is a tool. Rogan's approqch is there's degrees of gray in everything. Rogan made it clear that WT7 looked like a controlled demolition, but he would not go with the government conspiracy.

Building 7 fell because a fucking skyscraper fell on top of it.

it looked pretty intact when it fell... the official explanation is that it was weakened by fire. a metal structured building has never fallen because of fire before.

i'm not even saying it was a controlled demolition, who knows, maybe it wasn't built to code. it's just extremely unusual and does warrant questioning.

Rogan kicked his ass!

Its Joe Rogan, of course he kicked his ass!!! He's the toughtest guy in the world! #shroomtec

You guys see the whole Joey Diaz/John Caparulo fight going on? They were at the Store together last night finally and I guess Joey spit in his face and one of Joey's guys shoved Cap. It's been an entertaining goddamn feud. (This was Sat 2/13)

Any video documenting the feud?


Where did you hear about this?

The last show of 2015 for Rogan, at the very end Joey is like "And fuck that piece of shit John Caparulo!", went on a mini tirade about him. I was like "Whoa, what was that about?" On New Years day he and Cap went at it on Twitter. On Friday night, Rick Ingraham who hosts the Comedy Store Podcast (one of my favorite comics and podcasts, great show & Rick is just a rotten, mean bastard who does not give a fuck) had Cap on to ALLOW HIM TO RETORT! That re-ignited the whole thing, Joey got it into all night Friday with Cap's wife, who runs his Twitter for him. (Cap doesn't do social media)

I guess the whole thing goes back to when Tommy was running the Store/doing talent booking, nobody liked him and if you were one of his favorites like Cap, you could bump people and ask for all kinds of special favors. Somehow he had a problem with Joey back in the day and allegedly got him jammed up with the Store using his Tommy powers. It's hard to say what of this is true, but from hearing Cap's side of it on The Comedy Store podcast, I have to say the guy sounds like a bit of a pain in the ass and a cry baby. He even got Rick jammed up in a way and apologizes for it.

There's no video, and I didn't realize both guys were on the bill last night/Saturday or I absolutely would have went up there. I think two of the shows were sold out, but I still could have hung out in that back hallway which is probably where it went down. I love Joey, I like Cap he's pretty funny, but I have to say no matter what Joey is coming off as kind of a bully in this whole thing. Caparulo is basically Winnie The Poo turned into a person, and one of Joey's guys roughs him up and Joey spits in his face? Like, cmon. I don't know.

As Dean Delray says, "The Comedy Store and the Rainbow Room are the last two dangerous places on Sunset."

Who are these people and why does it sound like an episode of The Sopranos?

It's a VERY difficult sitUAtioonn

I haven't seen the whole video, but the first half makes Rogan sound like an idiot. Dunning made it pretty clear, why would anyone discuss building 7 if they believed the official story. What good comes from discussing how it fell? It's pointless

The point is that when somebody else brings up tower 7 falling you shouldn't lie and say "yeah that didn't look anything like a controlled demolition!" Rogan doesn't go on campaigns telling people to reinvestigate 9-11 but when he has guests on that bring up the subject he doesn't lie and say he knows everything. He is very clear that he believes it wasn't an inside job but he also understands why there are questions. That Dunning said tower 7 falling looked nothing like a controlled demo (which he later then said it did look like a controlled demo) but there are videos of actual demolition experts being shown that video without being told what they are watching and every single one of them says it is a controlled demolition. The idea that it doesn't look that way is ridiculous. For the record, I don't believe it was a controlled demolition but the argument that it doesn't even look like one is ridiculous.

Maybe because it's Joe Rogan I'm a little bias. He had Neil Degrasse Tyson on and argued with him about the moon landing being a hoax for most of it. I believe he admitted he was wrong eventually.

That was a weird one because he used to be a moon landing hoax guy and now he claims not to be but he spent a good hour arguing with Tyson as if he still believes the moon landing was a hoax. All the wall he was saying "but I'm too stupid to really know what I'm looking at" and "I know we actually landed on the moon but a lot of the conspiracy stuff is very compelling to a retard like me" but it really seemed like he still has a hard time believing we landed on the moon.

There are videos on youtube from a decade or so ago where Rogan is debating some other scientist on a radio show about the moon landing.. this was back when he 100% believed it was a hoax.

Tyson was actually the one to initially bring it up

Was this before or after this guy went to jail for wire fraud?

I like Rogan. But he's not a genius. He's very widely read, but only on the surface. Much of what he states is wrong or misdirected if you scratch deeper. I think he's more a provacateur than anything.

I have to give him credit. Not many guys are willing to bring someone on their show in front of a national audience that are willing to question Rogan's thinking.

Stop trying to force this shit on this sub. Why do you keep posting about Rogan in this sub, are trying to steer the attention away from Opie?

Some guy calls out some other guy

This was absolutely dreadful to watch.

it's unethical to talk about shit that might be wrong on the radio? rogan doesn't claim to be a doctor or scientist, he has no obligation to anybody. he's talking about shit that he finds compelling, however idiotic and misguided it may be.

i feel like this guy is just a contrarian version of joe rogan

Rogan's a retard, but this other poofter is sub-human stupid.

lol! poofter!

If anyone on here is equally on board with the online Joe Rogan hatred as you are with O&A hatred, there is a 0% chance that you are not a 400 pound stereotype.

I'm 155

yeah? you a part of rogan watch?

yeah? you a part of rogan watch?