Hour 1: Liberals Respond to Antonin Scalia's Death with Hatred, Mockery, Joy (Kurt mentioned)

0  2016-02-14 by bobomobile


I hated that old fuck too, won't see him no more

He passed us by :'(

Comedians make fun of things. Stop the presses awroight!

In other news, devil is pissed off now that he's been de-throned

Who the fuck up voted this?

Well I wasn't going to...

These are comics coming out trashing a guy they politically disagree with. It isn't like fuckin Obama is on TV saying he's glad Scalia is dead. This is no different than when a guy like Ted Kennedy died and Ann Coulter is tweeting what a piece of shit the guy was within seconds of the coroner pronouncing him dead. I wonder why Breitbart is reporting on this one though? Hmmmm...

Antonin scalia didnt drown a bitch back in the day. Dont use teddy as an example

Neither did Kennedy... he simply drunk drove off a bridge and his passenger died.

After he swam away to have his family get him out of trouble. He didnt report it till the next day. Thats manslaughter. She lived for 3 hours in an air pocket in the car. She would have lived if he didnt swim home, sleep off his drunkenness and talked to his goons till they conv8nced him to turn himself in

I'm not disagreeing with you... I'm just saying the only reason Coulter responded to his death is because he was a liberal. She had his whole life to trash him for killing that girl and the only reason she tweeted about him being a hunk of shit after he died was to get attention and make a political point. This is the same thing you see with Scalia.. apparently people only notice shit when it bothers them.

This is true. I just hated teddy as an example. No politics here...hes just a terrible human being for what he did. Dont know much about scalia except progressives say hes racist (which means he most likely isnt) and he didnt kill anyone. EDIT:: holy shit... imagine if when they go through scalias personal effects they find a lockbox with necklaces made of African-American hooker clits?

He isn't racist (as far as I can tell) but he was just very conservative. He actually treaded into Alex Jones territory at times and said that there is a good chance there will be internment camps for Christians and gun owners in America if we aren't careful... Most liberals didn't like him because they considered him the deciding vote in a lot of legislation because the court was 5 conservative judges and 4 progressive judges so he was able to have his say in a lot of issues.

I don't disagree but Scalia was never the "deciding" vote. It was a given he'd take the conservative vote

That is how he was always viewed though because he's been in the SC for so long and when it was a split decision he was always the staunch conservative judge who would write the decision that everyone would read.

Unrelated but I've read Clarence Thomas doesn't do shit on the SC. Never asks questions or writes opinions. Ant should get on that.

Things would run a lot smoother around here if the SC looked more like the control room of NASA back in the 60's.. am I right? What? Too real?!

Hmmm... now i just want to know about the African-American hooker clit jewelry. I piqued my own interest

Asian hooker clit jewelry is where it's at

I mean this guy was a real jerk.



Breitbart is as bad as shitty fucking Gawker. News at 11.

I thought the guy was an asshole, but yeah, it is rather shitty liberals are all giddy that a guy died because of political differences. But lets be honest, if someone like Obama or Sanders kicked the bucket, you'd have conservatives jumping for fucking joy. Lets not act like this is limited to one side.

"Because of political differences" would be celebrating when some guy off the street and I disagree, or someone like Ant with no actual power. Scalia's "differences" legally impacted millions of lives negatively. He can suck Reagan's cock in hell.

Why does everyone hate this guy so much? Cause he told broads what to do with their hoo-hahs? Gimme a break!


If Amy had retweeted Jimmy's link, he would've helped Kurt carry that water for Amy and bashed Scalia too.

Who is this 'Kurt' you speak of, and what did he mention?

So does jewfag Kurt Metzger hate guns, hate free-speech, hates anti-cuckolds? what's his beef?

smiley face Probably not, as that would take time away from his lapping Amy Schumer's boot soles.

I used to like "The Onion", as I looked at them as taking up the mantle MAD/NatLamp/Spy started. But they did a libtard, faggot bit on Scalia. So fuck them.

Yeah fuck any comedy outlet that does a political bit that offends my views

I'd prefer if they equally roasted both sides. Instead of handling the left with kid gloves & going full blast on the right(which is great, but lets not pretend great jokes cant also be made off entrenched idiotic positions on the left)

"President Promises to Feel Nation's Pain, Breasts"

Remember who that president was, junior?


They also do tons of bits trashing social justice warriors... You understand that their job is to make humor with what is current, right? Even if that means they are going to shit on a guy who you like. Sorry it offends you.

It's not that I like/don't like Scalia. I know nothing about him. And I can give two fucks about the so-called "Supreme Court". It's just that "The Onion" used the cliched, tired, worn-out liberal, sub-human attack that's all the rage now with thick-glasses & shoulder-bag wearing faggots. That's what I hate. It could've been Scalia or whoever that they used in it in context with. Scalia was against "social progress"? What, like forcing homosexuality down kids' throats & saying that they're mentally ill if they not only don't accept it, but also if they don't celebrate it, too?? That kind of "social progress"? Or not being "allowed" to fucking say "Merry Christmas!" or do the Pledge Of Allegience in school? Is that the "social progress" that's so fucked-up to be against? Where the fuck are the fucking parents who should say: "Why was it not OK to say "Merry Christmas!" for the last century in school with Jewish kids around?" They didn't seem to have a problem with it. They didn't feel "left out". Just like saying "Happy Hannukah!" didn't bother Christian kids. NOBODY GAVE A FUCK. But now, all of these things, and so much more, are defined as "hate speech" or "racist" or "exclusionary". And everybody just sits back and laughs & smiles as the truncheon gets shoved deeper into thier asses by the fucking day. It's that shit that "The Onion" is promulgating by saying Scalia was against this "betterment of society". It's not using Scalia's name in that I example that bothers me. Like I said, I could've been anybody's name that they used. It's what they said that he was against was him, or whoever, being a "bigot" & not "right thinking" that I abhor. But I guess they want a few more hits on thier site to drive up ad revenue, huh.

Where was the Supreme Court ruling on saying Merry Christmas? There was none... People saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas was a 100% capitalist/free market decision. There was no law saying you can't say Merry Christmas.. Some businesses and organizations decided, on their own, that it will make them more money if they say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas because Happy Holidays is more inclusive. A small amount of right wing Christians went nuts over this but most of the country doesn't care either way. It's not a law... you can say whatever you want. Starbucks decided to do away with "Merry Christmas" because they thought it'd be more customer-friendly.. a capitalist/bottom-line decision.

And nobody made a ruling saying you have to celebrate gay marriage... there was a ruling saying that gays are considered human beings and as humans they have the right to pursue happiness and if part of their happiness involves getting married they are allowed to get married. That's as far as that ruling goes. Gays are humans who can marry... you can't disallow them this right. Nobody said you have to celebrate them. Now, there are laws that since gay marriage is a legal right you can't disallow them that right if you work at a courthouse or magistrate but you can also get a different job if you are uncomfortable following the law. No law says you have to support gay marriage. Westboro Baptist Church is still allowed to hold their "God Hates Fags" signs everywhere they go to protest gays... You can join them if you'd like. There is no law against it.

And what's this about people not being allowed to say the pledge of allegiance at school? Yes you can... it's still done every morning at every school where I live. You don't HAVE TO participate in the pledge if you don't want to but it's still recited every morning. But, again, there was no Supreme Court hearing where that pledge was banned from schools.

You keep confusing people voluntarily doing things/doing things based on a free-market decision with people somehow being forced to do things or not do things.

Well .... That's the last time I get my info from "The Anthony Cumia Show"!


I'd prefer if they equally roasted both sides. Instead of handling the left with kid gloves & going full blast on the right(which is great, but lets not pretend great jokes cant also be made off entrenched idiotic positions on the left)