How does Ant have the worst show on his own network?

42  2016-02-14 by A_Faulty_Robot

I subscribed today just to get more out of LoS and boy do I already regret it. What the fuck happened to Ant? He is a catastrophic bore doing impressions that were last funny in 1983.

I want one of you faggots who gave money to Danny to give me $6.95


You just bought a Happy Meal for Ant's date tonight.

In Berlin, they're called "Sunshine Meals"!

What do they call a Big Mac?

Big mac is still a big mack. They cant call it a happy meal cause they on the metric system.


Then what happened?

Because he is a lazy bastard. And LoS has been shit for months as well.

It really is telling when the best shows on the network are two drunks, one of which has shown his Dick and asshole more than anyone ever should and the other screaming about his divorce and singing songs.

Those two shows , which sound like nonsense are better than a broadcaster with 20+ years experience

Ant was never a broadcaster. It was all a big party to him.

Dave has also shown his dick and asshole more than anyone ever should.

Who's the second drunk?

ESD I would assume?

ESD is getting a divorce?

I have no idea. I don't watch anything on TACS


Oh right.


If by "divorce" you mean "soon to be murder-suicide", then yes.

Los has def been much more hit or miss but I still think they do 1 good show a week especially lately

He got old, much like Stern. Except Stern has a full crew, and celebrity connections to fill out the show when it drags.

Old man Cumia (my favorite description of him) has finally settled into an old man's life of political discussions, and lamentations of the good old days. Fleshed out with the occasional conversation with a young comic, casino trip, or canoodle with a young twitter tart to make him feel young again.

He started down this road a few years ago, but the Sirius show was still busy enough to mask it. Now you see Anthony all alone, and it's disheartening.

A lot of people think he quit being funny when he started Tacs, & he's not funny because he's getting old but I think he stopped being funny when he lost Norton. Nobody with a radio/talk show is funny When their alone, Look at Dipaolo. Hilarious comic but his podcast is like listening to Golf commentators. Ant & Jimmy were the best comedy team ever, now both of them are shit. Regardless how Jimmy feels, I think he needs to partner up with Ant again as soon as he can!

Bill Burr is, but he's one in a million when it comes to funny.

Yeah, somehow Burr is probably as good as it gets doing a one man radio show. It's genius really.

That will never happen. That little coat-tail-rider would never downgrade to a show with a smaller audience just to to put out higher quality product. He's middle-age and desperately trying to bust into mainstream while all his younger peers are skyrocketing past him, he's desperate. Once his animation tanks, I wouldn't be surprised if a bitter Jimmy starts selling out more, not less.

That will never happen. That little coat-tail-rider would never downgrade to a show with a smaller audience just to to put out higher quality product. He's middle-age and desperately trying to bust into mainstream while all his younger peers are skyrocketing past him, he's desperate. Once his animation tanks, I wouldn't be surprised if a bitter Jimmy starts selling out more, not less.


Thank god you saw it too. I thought I was having a stroke.

And Stern actually worked hard to develop his craft. He didn't fall into it while drinking every night, showing up late, and leaving early. Stern can make eye contact with other people.

He actually knows how to give an entertaining and well prepared interview unlike Opie and Anthony both. Stern has detailed knowledge about the people he's interviewing. He always brings up interesting facts about the person that might be lesser known to people, and comes off as someone who knows what he's doing.

Old man Cumia really is great. I imagine it like The old drunk guy in the neghborhood whose yard you always cut through as a teenager. He sits there with his Flask, threatning you, but you just ignore him because you know hes senile and had his guns taken away.

Stern can still give a great interview, and honestly somehow he just comes off as more relatable. Stern got older but he managed to evolve his show over the years and still be entertaining at times.

He was also never lazy as fuck like Opie and Anthony were. Anthony couldn't be bothered to do anything. As soon as the show ended he rushed out. Would never want to meet with his bosses. Never did anything, and then he wonders why sxm didn't support him. He was a lazy fucking employee who took pride in not prepping for his show. Meanwhile Stern is meeting with his bosses, prepping for shows, and doing the things he needs to grow his product.

All these years they don't even bothered to make a website, and relied on other people to host their show material

He doesn't give a shit, he thinks doing dice impressions and quoting old movies is enough to entertain people every day

Don't forget about his plethora of FBI statistics

Go watch Gavin's show, regardless of if you agree with his politics or not, he keeps the show moving along and even brings the funny a good bit. Ant forgot where he left his funny and now he can't find it and we are all sad.

Ant would have the worst show regardless who was on his network. He's gone all conservative talk show on us while still trying to be entertaining. But his obsession with Anti-Obama, 2nd Amendment, Anti-PC shit makes his humor be bland.

How could lazy old man cumia not have the worst show? He has been phoning it in for years. You guys just caught up.

Really, people act surprised that his show wasn't a smashing success. Ant has been phoning it in for years. He was just lucky to have people to bounce off of and take the heat off him when he was too angry, drunk, hungover or just straight lazy to do good radio.

He needs someone to direct him or steer the ship. Opie was always that guy. The tension between them probably even fueled Ant's desire to be funny everyday. Now he's surrounded by yes men and he's too comfortable.

I totally agree. I also thinks he needs an on screen co host who isn't a yes man. Preferably someone who isn't in lockstep with his sociopolitical ideology.

heres a great moment from tacs

It's not even funny when he goes into it like that. He just comes off like a real filth bag.

lol its more like laugh at him instead of with him, guys creepy as fuck

Are you implying that impressions of Dice, Charlton Heston, and Ronald Regan might be a bit outdated?

Your impressions are outdated when 2 of the 3 are dead and the other hasn't been culturally relevant in 20 years.

I like the crime report. Asian pat Dixon was great in the last episode. And racist correspondent Anthony Z. is pretty solid.

He just wasn't made for these times.

His one and only success in life personal or professional was O&A and he found a way to fuck up that easy, cushy gravy train too, so its not like he has a great track record with success, he comes from a long line of failures so to speak ,honestly its a miracle the whole thing is still running.

Wait until The Bob Levy Show starts. You ain't seen nothing yet!

If Bob Levy of all people, puts on a better show than Ant...

I subscribed for Ant, but never listen to him. Gavin and ESD have the best shows on there by far

The whole podcasting thing is starting to get real old real fast for me.

I finally had time to start listening to shows again and I'm hooked on Gavin's show. He is worth his weight in gold for Ant's network.


This same thread has been posted about 50 times already.

And it will keep getting posted until Anthony's show is good or until he dies. So get used to it or leave.

Keeps being repeated because it's true & enraging for those of us that thought he would be able to put out an entertaining show.

It would get so much better if he had a co host that would make the show more conversational. He just needs to bite the bullet and pay someone to do it

Because he really wants to be a Fox News pundit. Or "pundint" as Ant puts it.

I like LoS and I think of paying extra for TACS but I just can't do it. It's a damn shame. Live from the Compound was actually pretty funny but this is just every day of this garbage

Why would you do that to yourself? You had to have seen the constant trashing we've given it. Not the hateful stuff. I mean the thoughtful critiques about the show being boring and lazy, and loaded with anti-intellectual political discussion.

He's transitioning from comedy to pundit.


No ESDS is the worst

Plenty of good material on the network to justify $7/month.

Why do this? What is the point of being proud of a network that is barely worth seven dollars? Why does the low price point make up for the obvious laziness and mediocrity?
Ant's loyal fans seem to only defend him by pointing out how he shares AOL's business model

He lost his radio job and is now out of his element talking by himself for 2 hours at a time. Not surprising at all and youre the idiot for not realizing that ahead of time.

I like Ant's show more than the others.

I listen to Ant's show. It's far from OandA, but it's also better than Oand J. I figure I'll support a guy who got screwed over, and I would hate to see Opie doing better than Ant. I guess it's easy for fans who only ever listened for free on YouTube to criticize the shows, and refuse to spend money. I'm sticking around in hopes Ant gets enough money to buy the Worm from Opie's worthless show.

I like TACS more than LOS. TACS, TGMS & ESDS for me. The other are nice bonus. So yeah you don't represent us, stop talking like what you said are facts faggot.

I love that everyone acts like they always hated Danny. I got endless shit for attacking him when everyone here was sucking his dick.

Opie always sucked really , i listen to hours of old shows and hes only part of the riffing when hes the bud of the joke. I dont get his annoying ("lets move on") contribution to the dynamic of the old show. But to hear that Ants not as funny anymore really does surprise me. Hope him and Jimmy pic up the old show again in October.

bud of the joke

bud of the joke bud of the joke bud of the joke bud of the joke


Second worst. ESDS is the worst.

At least he was smart enough to add LOS, TGMS and NYCCR to his network. Makes it worth the price.

Could you use more acronyms in that sentence please?their wasn't enough of them.

So you just paid 7 bucks and you just got like 30 episodes of LOS that you haven't seen yet. And you are complaining? Not to mention the fact that people love Gavin's show, East side Dave Show, and Pat Dixon's show. And I personally enjoy Ant's show as well. Just nonstop complaining on this site, it's embarrassing. You guys are really that miserable inside?

Being miserable and having the ability to spot when something isn't entertaining are two entirely different concepts.


Oh right.

What do they call a Big Mac?

ESD is getting a divorce?