Chip Cartoon is the 2016 version of Norton walking down the road, boom box over shoulder, blasting Iron Man.

81  2016-02-13 by SirWallaceII



hablar del diablo


Nothing makes a girl's pussy wetter than blasting butt rock while strolling down the sidewalk.

Children of the Grave is pretty good

He's still the same confused young man.

from across the street.

That dang Norton boy is suckin his friends trouser snakes under his porch again, Ruth, you gotta come see this

He is at least 26 in this picture

Christ, I thought he was 16. My comment still stands though.

He was around 16. The other person was using that exaggerated humor we all love.

Ahh, it really is hard to tell once I looked at it, he could be 16 or a boyish 22, hard to tell with early Jim. It was from Tough Crowd, it had a ton of hilarious pics of him as a kid in the segment.

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I'm always amazed at how fairly normal jimmy looked when he was young.

Sometimes I open my windows and point my speakers out and blast my music so everyone knows what the real deal is.


Ah yes, every college freshman in a dorm ever. Have you guys heard about this obscure talented musician "Jimmy Hendrix?"

Pew Pew. (o)


Mark Normand is on a 5 minute killing spree and this is Opie's contribution.

While Jim does love his ex and is painfully obvious, it's possible he just wants the use the characters because he's genuinely passionate about them and they make up a significant portion of his comedy on the radio, unrelated to his ex.

Though you can tell his feelings for his ex from certain stories he enthusiastically shares, like the one where he's caught texting a prostitute or something and his girlfriend says "JIM, WAKE UP"

You can tell from how enthusiastic he gets whenever he tells that story, that he has low self esteem and really likes the fact that someone would even like him enough to care if he cheats

Nah dude don't you understand she's his best friend.

I'ts the 2016 version of a radio hack trying to make a tv show.

Sad attempt at relevancy thwarted...

It stinks and I don't like it.

I don't think you are right. Or that the "pilot" is good. But that's fawkin hilarious.

That is the worst analogy that's ever been made. Yuck yourself, fucko.

I finally got around to seeing it and I gotta say you guys really exaggerated how bad it was like a buncha fags. Go ahead and downvote bitch.

That is probably true but it also isn't anywhere close to good

I concur
