I Don't Understand Ant's Taste In Gash

0  2016-02-13 by [deleted]

I mean, I understand (and that's "understand" as in "comprehend", by the way. Not "understand" as in "sympathize with") his rationale: late teens/daddy & self-esteem issues/crazy cunts suck cock better/blahblahblah .... I get all that. What I don't get is why the obsession with 17- & 18-year olds? Aren't there great cocksucking kooks in thier early-20s out there? The "Gun Closet Girl" during the Nicoleaky thing, the one from Canada. Wasn't she 17? She killed herself, right? What if she'd done that in Ant's house? What then, I ask? What then?


In my experience women recoil at the term "gash". My nieces are cowards though

Try 'Puss, Puss' whilst rubbing yourself vigorously.

You sure like italics.

He's a damaged guy who can't relate to anyone and derives his self esteem by what he perceives as the ultimate achievement - fucking young girls.

It's sadder than anything else, but he has his lackeys that undoubtedly boost his self esteem by lauding his 'accomplishments".

When I was 25 I thought the idea of fucking with 18 year olds was weird.

I love italics. They usually have big cocks


Some dudes are obsessed with young girls. Have a friend who thinks any girl over 22 is decaying. It's a perv switch deep in da brain

Well Golightly was over 25 and is fuck ugly.

let's not be gays in here completely, unless you mean what i mean

''fuck-ugly'' describes it pretty well: interestingly sexy in their ugliness.

maybe she is not the best showcase, but a slender body, a semi-undeformed face and girlish style always do help out a lot.

Closet Girl is not the suicidal stalker.

He's a pathetic ass insecure dude who justifiably hates himself. He is afraid of his own shadow.

It's half that he's just a fucking creep who likes young looking girls that aren't fully developed. The other half is if he was with am age appropriate woman he would feel his insecure pathetic shadow on him even more.

18 is the age when people officially don't "have to" do what their parents and teachers say anymore. The greater amount of time that "have to" lasts beyond 18, the more it takes them out of that mindset, and the more adult they become.

Ant prefers a girl who unslings the pink strap of her bookbag and gets confrontational immediately over nothing, as long as that confrontation can be immediately countermanded with the threat of cutting her off financially.

I dont know if you guys heard about this yet.... but Ant's a pederest that would bang 13-14 year girls if it were legal. He's scummy trash that is smart enough to not go through with it because of his fear of jail. So he just settles for barely legal damaged girls or ones in there mid 20s that look like there 16 and crawled out of a sewer.

I think Ant has admitted he really hasn't grown much, emotionally, since he was that age himself. He's basically a teenager with cash and no bedtime.

The ones in their 20's are full in the gold digger game many times, and have some understanding of the power they wield.

The young ones are still moldable by old man Cumia. They're still fresh, and usually impressed by the big house, and inexpensive baubles like computers, etc....

OK, that I understand.

Arrested development. Some people stay stuck at the age they first got cool, laid, high, etc. That's what I like about them high school girls ...

"I'm an intern. I don't get no gash.

And I always go out for Howards brogglie.

Yes Howards brogglie, Howards bogglie, yeah.

Don't put no butter on Howards brogglie."

Short answer: He's a creep.

Looks hardly matter, aslong as they are thin, pale and too young for his old sicilian ass he will give them a good fucking.

kids are sexy, deal with it