Parallel thinking? Ted Chippington - a stand-up from the 80's who purposely bombed in front of hostile crowds for his own amusement. Considered a big influence on Stewart Lee, Phil Jupitus, and Simon Munnery. Xpost from r/standup

46  2016-02-13 by cosko


So that's why he keeps defending that pig.

Holy shit.


I don't see the similarity. There's a million British comedians who just do shitty one liners to drunk crowds.

... named "Chippington", huh?

That name is the Muhammad of Britain.

I'm pretty sure Muhammad is the Muhammad of Britain.

Too real

Oh, OK.

That's different than Chipperson, guy.

That's where the similarity begins and ends. Telling bad jokes and puns is a British tradition as old as never brushing their teeth. Their newspapers have Chip-esque pun headlines every day.

You are such a dud.

a dude?


If its from overseas, he doesn't know about it. Nobody in the US knows or cares about bad British stand-up comedy, your most notable guys like Tim Minchin are almost completely unknown here. And thats without the time displacement of 30 years.

Andy Kaufman used to fuck with audiences too, the point I'm making is that a) British comedians suck, b) OP is retarded.

Tim Minchin is Australian. Pretty sure Ricky Gervais is known in the US. Retard.

Not for his standup

He didn't get into standup until later in his career. He started in radio, then television, then standup. Most here know him as "a guy on TV".

I thought Tim Minchin was Australian...

What's the difference?

They dislike one other while simultaneously emegrating in droves to live in the other's country

They're all pink on the inside.

I guess that shows how much people in the US actually know or care.


Tim Minchin is Australian

Stewart Lee is better than any American comedian alive, unquestionably.

Ted Chippington is highly regarded by the alternative comedy scene here in the UK. The worlds best current stand up (Stewart Lee) claims Chippington was an instrumental influence in his career and style. It's completely reasonable that a "professional" "comic" such as Norton, has seen some of Chippingtons material at some point.

Not a single person on this sub had ever heard of him until just now.

This sub is hardly the litmus test for great comedy... you cunts listen to the likes of Joe Rogan and Jim Norton's stand up. Stewart Lee's performances have an element of true self awareness and brutal realism that just doesn't exist in the US on any level. Lee isn't "Disney" or "Walmart" comedy like in the US, so that's why you lot don't know who he is, Lee even does a bit about American stand ups which rings very true to anyone familiar with American comedy.

British people always talk about how awesome their comedians are, so I look them up, and they always suck. I'll give this guy a chance though. Isn't there some shitty black American comedian who is real famous in Britain? Reginald Hunter.

I just watched a Stewart Lee video " Sad Comedy", it was horrendously unfunny just like I thought. "You were crying at a stand up show, well that's not any good is it." And the crowd is dying laughing. Am I missing something?

please you are embarrassing us english. Our stand up sucks dick. It's okay to admit it without losing face.

That said i've watched this clip of Stewart Lee's dozens of times

Lee Evans and the like are horrendous, any bbc4 stand up or extreme mainstream (Michael McIntyre, Russell Howard) is also bullshit. But US stand up involves a lot of shouting and "WHATS UP WITH THAT!?!?". In my opinion Stew is orders of magnitude better than Norton, Rogan, Joey Diaz or anyone else from the Hack Brigade.

All stand up along the lines of Whats up with that. Which is why i'm not a massive fan of it and prefer conversational style of comedy

That style is called "observational comedy" and does not comprise the entirety of stand up, except in the US.

Okay. I'm off to watch the 345th dvd of the same jokes by Peter Kay.

I would class Peter Kay as a vapid and bullshit mainstream stand up along with Lee Evans and McIntyre.


no its not, and the "worlds best" is some faggot no one in america(the only place where 100% of stand up doesnt suck, only abut 90% of it does) has ever heard of? the fuck outta here...

Ted Chippington is only known by anyone who went to fall gigs in the early eighties, or watched Stewart Lee do a 10 minute segment about him on the Culture Show a couple of years ago. He's not highly regarded, he's an underground act a handful of comic reminisce about.

is a weird coincidence

Holy mother of fuck .... He's even got the "chip" in his name. Let's see what Nor-TONE has to say about this.

Did he influence Neil Hamburger too?


"I don't appreciate being called a rapist"

"well then don't rape"

Jokes on you, Jim doesn't watch other stand ups.

Didn't Andy Kaufman bomb on purpose? He sucked it hard and dummies love him for it

Andy Kaufman flat out sucked. They couldn't even have a movie about him be interesting or funny.

Lol there was no stealing here. There's a place in England called Chipping Norton, and this guy's style of bombing on purpose is nowhere close to original, like all other british comics.

If anyone feels like listening to 01-2005 through probably 03-2005, Jim invites Kenny into the studio to either do a character or tell jokes. Its fucking Chip, and Jim ripped it off. I'm not about to go back and listen to that much shit again unless my internet breaks.

Ted's "Tss, or sumpthin'" Emporium!

lol at thinking Jim has the same influences as the fat unfunny one from nevermind the buzzcocks uk version.

Just a coincidence. This seems completely different than the Chip character. Only similarity is the name, which doesn't count for much.

Stewart Lee, Phil Jupitus, & Simon Munnery. Literally a gaggle of who's?



thats what happens when u refuse to follow the comedy scene/industry that ur a part of

Phil Jupitus is a fat nothing. He'd love that because it's boring oxymoronic humour


Reminds me of how there are 2 different comic strip series 1st published within days of eachother called Dennis the Mencace, one from the U.S. and the other from the U.K.

Yeah guys

Jim saw this guy and used "Chippington" to create the Chip character he did privately to his girlfriend and also used the name Ted for an unrelated and different character on the show

That's 100% what happened

This subreddit can be legitimately embarrassing

This joke stealing hypervigilance is getting out of fucking hand.

This place sure does love a witch hunt. Even if Jim got the chipperson name from this dude (I really can't see it), there is def no way is he taking his bit.

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If you honestly think Jim saw this and based Chip on him, you are truly fucking retarded.

That guy was funnier than anything that egg-headed, closeted bitch Norton has ever said.

He was amusing but I have to disagree. Jimmy before sex for Sam happened was pretty darn funny.

Fuck off

Make me, dickhead.