Opie is the next Howard Stern

0  2016-02-13 by unclepaul84

He is going resign and get fuck you money. He really is Howard's successor as the king of media.


Except Opie never had talent, and Howard isn't autistic

Howard made decisions. Opie is provided with choices and either accepts them or rejects them. Hint: He never rejects them and they aren't really "choices."


Opie will accept whatever he's given. Back in 2000 or so, they could've had a chance to be heirs to Stern's throne. Now he's an aged DJ in a dying sub-genre of a fading medium.

There was never any chance of them being the heirs to Howard's throne. In the grand scheme of things, they were always kids table. They lacked consistent depth and scope. A little off. A little too harsh.

A prime example is the Sarah Jessica Parker phone call. Anthony immediately cowered, and Opie threw out one lame insult then got in line. Total kids table reactions.

Patrice and some of the other comics gave them some weight, but with that dingus steering the ship they were always doomed to the minor leagues.

I'd rather see him be the next R. Budd Dwyer.


Was this supposed to be an insult?