Norton has raised $26K for Chip.

2  2016-02-13 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD

I'm going to take a shit and put in it in a box. I have a Kickstarter goal of $15K. Please donate.


Describe your diet and what kind of box?

This is an open source project. I'm a vegetarian, but most options are negotiable. We're working together.

Well, I need to buy my dog medicine so she doesn't die, but if you start adding a large quantity of beets to your diet and procure some sort of old timey ladies hat box, these funds can be diverted to more important things.

Only if he marinated the beet turds in a nice asparagus piss would make this worth while.

Ew, dude, don't be gross.

I bet it peaks at around 38k. No one wants this dogshit cartoon made, i cant believe when they screened it they thought it was good. I was fucking cringing the whole time i watched it. Club soda kenny has zero personality and it comes thru in his voice, why did jim think he was a good choice for a voice actor? I dont know what was worse club soda's terrible voice over or the fact that a professional comedian put this out as a pitch to gather the funds to produce it. Holy fuck it was TERRIBLE!!!!

He just wants to win his ex back

$23k was made on the first day- it has slowed down a lot. He may need some of his showbiz pals to kick in some dough!

That's about twice what Stalker Patty makes in a year.

well she does get a lot of vacation time

hes donating to himself, lots of donation are exactly 109$

Milliner's Box, Beet turds, asparagus piss. Check.

Honestly, I'll probably chip in (tsss why not Anthony in or something). I wasn't screaming with laughter but I enjoyed quite a few bits of the short and I've gone back to watch it a few times. Jim definitely made a big mistake calling this a pilot because the current show format is clearly not sustainable. Still, I enjoy Jim and his characters and I would like to see something more substantial make it to light. Although he's probably best off finding a sponsor to support a few <10 minute shorts on YouTube and sustaining it with ad revenue if it's good enough.

His characters suck. I like him as a comedian, but these characters blow. At the very least, they are overutilized.

I think there's such a negative reaction because it was just a commercial instead of making a pilot. That was the fuck up.

Or it looks like and is dog shit