A Bald Opie comic book is much more possible, is anyone here an illustrator?

16  2016-02-13 by golightlys_iphone

How much would something like that cost to put together? Just throwing it out there. All the sorties could just be him going around the city doing his "people watching" antics a.k.a mocking the mentally and physically disabled. I.E cakestomp, armless woman, just to name a few. What are your thoughts, group?


If anyone is an illustrator, I hope you get wellustrator.

or a fucking... why not get an illusloyal...

Word play yuma

dvv dvv cack suckha

I got an A- in grade 9 art, and my teacher said if I applied myself harder I could have gotten an A, so I think I'm more than qualified to do this.

I can do it I'm an illustrator/ graphic designer and I know enough printers to get this done cheap, but I wouldn't feel comfortable crowdsourcing it. If someone sent me some LSD I'd do it for free.... But someone else would have to pay for printing& binding

I could try and start getting some short story ideas together. Plenty of material to draw from and they don't have to be brilliant. We just need a solid piece of material to show because this sub will eventually die but our hate for Opie will live on forever. Plus there probably only 50 or so people who would actually buy a copy. Do you have a rough estimate for printing costs?

I would have no idea, paper quality and sizes would be a factor, this is a good idea but if we are going to do it correctly it had to be thought out before hand. I have some idea, but currently I'm drinking at a bar with friends. MSG me and we can get some ideas together. There are some funny and brilliant fucking people in this sub and it might be better if we brainstorm ideas of how to embarrass Opie in the most hurtful and hateful manner. I have some ideas of my own.

EDIT: I don't think a comic book would work... But a 0 color sticker book would. We could make as many die cut stickers from people's art from the sub in black and white ( like a coloring book) and we could post them and In places like outside the siriusxm building, imagine 200 stickers of dumb Opie quotes making him out to be the asshole sitting right outside the door greeting him daily. And the fans could customize them by coloring them.

I am currently drinking as well. We need to get some kind of physical token from this sub before it eventually dies out. Let's keep this idea going though.

edit: I'm liking the sticker idea more & more. Just simple illustrations of Greggs most hateable and dull moments. Alnost like a #opiequotes x @baldopie collaboration. Maybe a picture of him deeply contemplating "the thought of water", murdering Chester the Dog with a swift kick, selling candy as a bald fat tited high schooler, caddying for the mob. The possibilities are endless.

Worst comes to worst we hire bobo to put 1,000s of Opie stickers around NYC in places around his building and around siriusxm as a constant reminder that he sucks.

You can make it a pdf comic. I read Sandman for the first time on pdf. We could make it a monthly serial. Everybody submits a story and the illustrators decide which ones they want to draw. Sounds like a kick-ass gameshow.

We can barely agree on the same issues in this sub, I doubt we could do a monthly comic book... For free.

Maybe this would unite some of us? That would be hilarious.

I would like everyone to know that I too am currently drinking with friends at a bar. In fact, just now one of said friends laughed heartily at a clever comment of mine regarding a handicapped woman across the room. He then went to the restroom (we've had quite a few alcoholic beverages). That's why I feel comfortable using my mobile telephone without seeming impolite. When he returns we shall continue to converse in a good-natured manner.

Should make some of his child hood where he grew up so "poor". But have him in a giant house, going to a rich school. But he's young and bald, complaining about how poor he is because of minor things. Like how he only get's to play golf 3x's a week.

I can get you some LSD no problem. Where do you live?

I wish you were telling the truth I just turned 30 and I feel like I'm doomed, like I'm too old to find it.

I wish you were telling the truth


Go to a phish concert and just buy a sheet.

I'm the best artist here, I challenge anyone to an art battle.

Accepted, friend.


How about the guy who made the bald opie illustration, you motherless cunt?

One user did that cool comic cover.

Ahem. I'm actually successful at this.

I would gladly do this.

Get money going and I'll do shit. I'll post a mockup. I worked at Vice and Image Comics.

what do you think about /u/GRIZx idea of doing stickers? It does seem more feasible and probably more affordable? We could just make a thread voting on Greggs 10 or 15 most hateable moments and have those drawn into a cartoon ala that picture of the BaldOpie pilot.

Or maybe just comic strips instead of a book.

I'll do a mockup tonight. Just have to get drunk first.

Combination stickers and cartoon strip. I won't charge much.
