Have any of Jimmy's celeb friends retweeted his Chipperson fundraising effort?

15  2016-02-12 by Jayboca

Kevin Hart, Colin, Rogan, Burr, Schumer?? Poor Jim....Not sure if it says more about the quality of the pilot or the quality of his friendships.


With how hard he fought to defend Amy, I guarantee she retweeted the link. In fact, I'll bet we can look through the contributors and see her name attributed to a sizable donation. If she hasn't, that would be like saying she doesn't believe in Jim or his project. Like she's embarrassed by him. Like he'll never be anything better than a deleted scene DVD extra. But we know better. Amy thinks of Jimmy as a real friend. I just know it.

You're absolutely right. Amy retweeted this multiple times . I was wrong

What makes it worse is her last couple of tweets are about things she has recently watched that are great...

He may have to spitefully unfollow all of his friends again. That oughtta get their attention.

*except Patrice

and Ozzy

Kevin hart hasn't even tweeted about Keith, I doubt he will tweet about this either

I feel like that is more of respecting Keith's privacy. This only came out because of Kevin Brennan spilling the beans

not one single person of any sort of fame has retweeted or tweeted anything about it, I blame Opie.

Good point. Shouldn't The Shooms give him a few retweets for making up excuses for her and making himself look like an ass in the process?

Kind of goes to show that Ant's a helluva friend.

I know Amy Schumer pushed it hard because he stood up for her during her joke stealing scandal.... Oh wait....

Florentine retweeted, I am sure that has to account for something.


Schumer hasn't tweeted this after he defended her. Excuse me a moment....



I have trouble texting back my closest friends sometimes. Really doesn't mean shit.