It's quite annoying that Jim is asking us for money

0  2016-02-12 by FunkyTreasure

He has all that Sirius XM money he got by re-signing in 2014. At the time (when everyone still liked Anthony) the vast majority of the fans were begging him to join Anthony. Instead of giving us what we wanted, he stuck with the terrible radio show that nobody likes, yet pays him more money and lets him get pictures with celebrities.

If that's what he wanted to do then that's fine, but when you choose money over the loyal fans, don't expect those same fans to rally around you when you need their help.


There are a few hundred shitheads that he can get 30-40k out of to make an episode. Why risk his own money on a loser?

No one sources projects like this out of pocket. They get investors. I'm not defending Jim, because I think this cartoon is a horrible idea, but the fans of his who don't give a fuck about whose show he chose will still fund the project. Not all of them are as cynical and jaded as us.

I think the fans that are pledging money are the same types of assholes that buy chicks stuff from their amazon wishlist. Desperate mother fuckers and jim knows all about them.

No one sources projects like this out of pocket.

Louis C.K.

Norton does not have Louis CK money, and the only reason Louis does is because his past projects that were funded by investors paid off.

He might not have Louis money, but the little fucker certainly has more than enough to produce a third-rate animated webtoon without begging for donations.

It's just not something you gamble your own money on, but I agree 100% that he shouldn't be asking fans for the funds. Find proper investors or don't do the project.

Nor would he need it, for a relatively simple animation. From my understanding he is fronting NONE of this off his own dime. It's a shame because there won't be any lesson learned if it's off the backs of these other poor fuckers funding it when this thing crashes & burns.

Then again, if they're going to piss money away funding this sorry excuse for a cartoon I have zero sympathy for them.

He has fans and crowd funding is popular right now. Why would he invest his own money when he knows there are fans that will gladly give him money?

The 200 people here don't come close to making up Jim's actually fan base or their opinions on his work.