Bobo brother sex??

2  2016-02-12 by Beverly_Sheckler

Can anybody help me find the clip that introduces the story of Bobo getting molested by his step brother? They reference this incident pretty much every time bobo is mentioned. Im a longtime listener but I've never once actually heard this audio, but it sounds hilarious.


There's better stuff out there to jerk off to.

No there isn't.

Dat.... dat never happened

I think you're lying.

I'm not loyin' awlrite

It's the clip with Johnny FairPlay. I would link it but I'm drunk and on my phone. Johnny FairPlay was actually the person who came up with that running gag

Bill burr is also in it, it's a great bobo clip and worth an entire listen

I coulda sworn it was Danny Ross/Travis who made up the bobo fucking his brother story.

thank you very much.