Joe Rogan thinks THATCHER was QUEEN of UK

44  2016-02-12 by steal_from_asprey_


Ugh. He really is a meathead masquerading as an intellect. I doubt his legion of supplement buying fanboys even know who Thatcher was.

Thatcher, Thischer what does it matter anyway?

You know who is even more dumb? The people who think knowledge = intellect.


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You what's even dumber than that? You.

Sick burn lol

Are we in some kind of foreign exchange program w/ RoganWatch?

If we're the Scots, then they're the Irish. We're natural allies, there's no getting around it.

"Irish..." - Longshenks

Still have that Ghostbusters trap, Weirdfellas?

You mean longjeans.

No, that /u/steal_from_asprey_ guy has just made it his life's work to expose Joe Rogan as the phony that he is!

So tired of this self absorbed 5'6 junkie midget.

5'6!? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Junkie? LOL what? Because someone smokes pot and occasionally do mushrooms, doesnt remotely mean they are a junkie. This could be one of the dumbest things ive seen on here. And this is full of things opie has said.


so he's a junkie for smoking weed? jesus christ what has this shit turned into?


There is no correlation between intelligence and good grammar. There are dumb fucks with good grammar and geniuses with bad grammar. Harping on someone's sentence structure instead of arguing the initial point, however, is commonly accepted by a majority of social experts as the most common form of deflection. By correcting someone's grammar on the internet, you're actually proving that you DON'T have strong cognitive abilities, else you wouldn't need to devolve the discussion to "Haha, you spelled that wrong". In short, you are a fucking loser.


Who are you, rogan?

Imagine what a dunce you'd have to be to believe any of this.

*Or else

Cut him some slack. He is the nation's foremost expert on joke thievery and gave us the simple formula to determine such:

Friend of Rogan steals: Originality problem maybe?

Foe of Rogan steals: DIE JOKE THIEF DIE!

Joe's a busy guy. Between being the sole judge of joke theft and hosting a pot talk podcast, he doesn't have time to keep up with the title of some British cooze.

I wouldn't enroll my kids in Professor Rogan's history class, would you, gang?! No, I think not!

Do you have a picture of your kids please?



They better have no hair on them.


nothing worse; then DUMB PEOPLE who've convinced themselves they are smart

then dumb people

and that are also constantly reinforced in their belief by everyone around them

How else is Tony Hingecliff supposed to get gigs?

Well we def know how he gets GAGS, LOL!!!

He even rolls his eye's like he knows all about her.

Redban is Roganwatch

Wow, is it really?

If he wasn't roided up and fake spiritual on pot, he'd be named Opie.

Arrogant Semi-Intellectual conspiracy theorist wackjob.

must've skipped his DMT Shroom-tek hemp oil Alpha lip gloss, that day.

thanks for keeping this nigga honest roganwatch

When friends send me Joe Rogan links to prove conspiracies and the like, they automatically and permanently go in the "idiot pile".

He's an OK interviewer but I've always thought he was just a bully and a dumb one at that.

He's always exposed when an actual great thinker comes on his podcast. Louis Theroux was trying to have a conversation with him but Rogan wasn't getting his references so it was just a few hours of Louis informing Joe about things he really should know about.

Louis Theroux isn't a great thinker. He's an interviewer. OK he's not dumb, but great thinker?

Louis is not just an interviewer. He's tackled nearly every subject you could think of in a very clever way. He disarms absolute psychopaths., murderers and paedophiles, runs rings around fanatics like the Westboro Baptist Church and the KKK while they don't even know it. He's the best documentary maker going too. So yeah, he's a great mind.

Oh he's a great interviewer but again great thinker is a stretch. He mainly just disarms people and waits for the dirt/gossip to come out of their mouths. He runs this formula through with most subjects.

Celebrities are morons. Nothing new.

Why would Joe need to know the difference between Prime Minister and Queen? It's not like he spends hours at a time talking about how the world works, oh wait.

But I thought flotation tanks increase your intellectual ability 2000%

2000% of nothing is still nothing.

Whatever man, a couple edibles and an hour in the tank is when Joe comes up with his best shit! It's almost spiritual!

That's where his humping a stool bit came from!

Dolla dolla bills, y'all. Edit: Pound Pound sterling, I say.

That's only if you count the two scientifically double funded triple-blind placebo tests out of the North End Memory Center of Boston.

thanks to tom papa, Joe is still only the 2nd most insufferable person in that broadcast.


Yeah but how was her ground game, pussy.

The Rogan Watch Youtube channel is kind of creepy to me but whatever. I like Rogan but he's not a fascinating person at all. He's your high school buddy who was on the football team and got all the pussy and every once in a while he'd take it upon himself to make some kind of profound statement and it would be so unbearably cringeworthy that you would want to blow your brains out just to escape the moment.

Fun Fact: There are no stories of Rogan and pussy.

Holy shit is that a great analogy. Upvote from me.

Guize, that's his upvote. Don't touch it!

Who gives a fuck?

and right after he says, "Whatever the fuck she was"

I don't like rogan as much as the next guy, but you ghouls are going apeshit over THIS?

This moment of idiocy is brought to you by super magic green-leaf memory boost vitamin pills

Reminds me of when Tits kept saying Toronto Mayor Rob Ford was talking to Parliament. It was the city council

"uhhh uhhhh that's not a real queen"

It's like he was deciding whether or not to lie that he knew about her or if he was just gonna say whatever.

Lol it makes so much sense that steal from asprey would finally find an audience here.

Who gives a shit? Your prime minister literally fucks dead pigs, your women are ugly, your food is shit, you have like 2 interesting celebrities, and the last cool thing you did as a nation was over 50 years ago. No one gives a shit about you or your queen. Go fuck yourself.

No one gives a shit about the UK

needs more alpha brain, like a thousand pills sounds right.

Joe should give his head a shake!

He also said that Rusty Cage was a Jonny Cash song.

No way! No. Way.

You're kidding!



He's the worst.

Do you have a time stamp?

you don't remember when Queen Thatcher invaded the Falkland Islands during WW2? dope

this should just become a general hater aggregate sub

He knows lots of trivia though, even though he does steer conversation into territory he is very familiar with, which makes him quite entertaining to listen to. I still think he's a very egotistical guy who thinks he's on some higher level.

they will love this at joerogan2 or whateva , try there

very few people here care about bald rogan

That awful pretentious brow-crinkle Rogan does when he's pontificating really grinds my gears. I'd pay a whopping 10 dollars to hear Colin Quinn roast his retarded Onnit Kettle-Bell advertisement.

Anon needs to be unbanned from the RB already


Makes me feel old now, i still play counter strike 1.6 and a private server of everquest based on 1999/2000 content. That halo and call of duty is for the youngings i say.

I don't think you understand how awesome having Quake parties on LAN was.


Who is bragging? They were just fun times that aren't had anymore.

I don't recall Rogan ever calling himself part of gamer culture, at least in a present-day manner. He just used Quake as an example from his younger years to try to relate to gaming and addictive patterns.

I kind of relate to Joe on this because if you talk to me about video games long enough I'll start sounding stupid because of how out-of-date my references are. The last console I owned was a PS2.


I have enough time for Joe too.

Me too. I didn't mind Joe, but I watched one of these videos and it was a quick hate multiplication.


You seem a little out of place on this sub too judging from the amount of down votes you get.


You seem a little out of place on this sub too judging from the amount of down votes you get.

Holy shit is that a great analogy. Upvote from me.


Still have that Ghostbusters trap, Weirdfellas?

You mean longjeans.

Fun Fact: There are no stories of Rogan and pussy.