Gayest band, KISS or Black Sabbath?

0  2016-02-12 by AntsCamera

Or a fan of either?

Jim, comment?


Kiss hands down. Sabbath changed music, kiss wore make-up

Excuse me, did you even see Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park? They changed cinema.

"Just like witches in black twelve year-old". - Colin Quinn

I really like Tony Iommi's approach to playing. Damn good musician.

Black Sabbath is actually good, Kiss fucking SUCKS.

Sabbath might have gay lyrics, but their music is amazing. Dio era Sabbath is some of the best metal ever.

I like Sabbath. Dio's first 2 albums with them are incredible. KISS were already old men who were more famous for being embarrassing douches by the time I was really getting into music. I like a few of their songs, but they seem tough to like if you weren't a kid in the 70s.

I wanna fawkin rawk all night. Dvv dvvv mah love gun is my peckah!