We've been accused of being very liberal as a whole

8  2016-02-11 by [deleted]

So what are your actual political beliefs /r/Opieandanthony? No really, I wanna know.

inb4 "PECKAHS/Ya muddas cunt then"


"When has voting ever helped? Who am I supposed to vote for? The Democrat who is going to blast me in the ass? Or the Republican who's blasting my ass." --Dennis Reynolds.

"The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don't have to waste your time voting."

-Charles Bukowski

"There was nothing really as glorious as a good beer shit - I mean after drinking twenty or twenty-five beers the night before. The odor of a beer shit like that spread all around and stayed for a good hour-and-a-half. It made you realize that you were really alive."

--Charles Bukowski

“Sometimes you just have to pee in the sink.”

– Charles Bukowski

"I will pay you $1,000 to piss and shit on me"

--J. Norton

I am an anarchist. I once smoked crack out of a dead tranny hooker's skull because I'm fawkin unusual.

You're like a male manic pixie dream girl.

I generally pick whatever side is the opposite of the person I'm trolling.

Exactly. This.

Death to Capitalism! Mother Russia will rise once again!

Mudda Rusha tss

Complete freedom for everyone who looks like I do and believes what I believe. Oppress all others.


Hah, the faggot liberal thinks were raging conservatives and the shit head conservatives of TACS think were raging liberals. People on extreme ends are so utterly full of shit and will see what they want to because "go team go!"

I hate talking politics because so many people make it their "baby". People like Ant and Maron are on different ends but they're extremely motherly over their "baby". I hate it. #FockEmAll #PoliticalOpie




Arch Super-patriot/Pakistani Gas Station franchise owner.

i think alot of people tend to think that if u disagree with one opinion on an issue that u must then be hard right/left

I think people whose politics arent any deeper than cheering for the red team or blue team are really stupid

who is calling us a-wholes and why they gotta be so mean

I'm not even registered to vote

I don't really consider myself liberal or conservative. Above all else I'm just not paranoid, which is more than you can say for TACS listeners.

So libtard, then.

Sweet comeback.

It probably didn't come across, but I was being sarcastic.

I will undo my down vote, sir.

I find myself to be a moderate. I see positives and flaws in both side. This current trend of liberals being crybabys has kind of pushed me a little to the right. Although I can't imagine my life without pot and abortions, so I refuse to go "all in" with conservatism.

I just wanna live in a world filled with intelligent, empathic, caring people that can also take a nigger joke. I hate a lot of liberals, but man, I really fucking hate conservatives. Just across the board there is nothing useful there.

sigh. I don't have an answer ok? I don't.


It fucking enrages me when he says that shit. NO ONE on this planet has ever looked to Opie for solutions to our country's socio-economic problems or our foreign policy woes.

ME: I don't know, okay? I don't.

Political compass test for those of you interested: https://www.politicalcompass.org/test

I've argued with climate change deniers & people who think the troops don't deserve any help because they choose to serve. This place is pretty diverse.

LOL at the idiots who think we shouldn't help our troops. I'm sure if you asked them about a lumberjack who was severly injured on the job they would say the company he worked for should pay for all his medical bills and he should be able to sue even though he knew about the risks. Somehow when it comes to troops they take the opposite opinion. Liberals are emotion filled idiots.

So what does that make you?

I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say. I think troops medical bills should be paid for.

He's saying you're an emotion-filled idiot just like the liberals. You're all the fucking same.

Thank you, HookerMouth. Boy, if I a nickel...

Except I'm not. You and FlukemansCloaca are idiots for thinking that. All I did was point out a potential logical inconsistency of someone who doesn't support helping our troops. How does that make me an emotion filled idiot? Because I got angry at an untenable position? You're braindead.

Calm down. You're getting way too emotional about this.

yo man, how have you been?

Sharia law.

I'm 100% passionately supporting Bernie Samders

Most people here are so hypocritical and dumb as fuck. Very few have solid political views that you could observe.

Anarchist. Like the Emma Goldman, Peter Kroptkin, Voltairine de Clair type.

Have you read any Bob Black?

Oh of course. However, he's involved the authorities in some of his affairs as a public figure and when you're a scrappy kid wrecking bank branches in a black hoodie that tends to rub you the wrong way.

I wasn't aware of that. His views are interesting, but I'm not sure they're practical in any sense of the word.

I would highly recommend the works of Peter Gelderloos if you have a genuine interest in anarchism. I'm an anarchist that believes the human race is inherently garbage, making the whole philosophy essentially unattainable. We're all going to be dead soon, suicidal species, etc. Definitely fall closer to say, Stanhope's world view than a bushy-tailed, bright-eyed college radical.

"They're all FAWWWKIN scumbags" as far as I'm concerned fellas


Look at how many threads there are crying about Ant's views. There's your answer.

If you call that juvenile rectionary uninformed biased diatribe views.

Does it trigger you, comrade?

I'd guess it leans left here, but no one really seems to be a hack for their favorite political party which is really all you can ask of people.

Well that doesn't seem correct.

I think people with a job should do their fucking job well and it's our job as citizens to try to understand who has power in our community/country and what they do with it. Then you can do whatever you want with that knowledge but not knowing it makes you an asshole and a poor citizen.

I think we should send them back if they still really want to go.

It is a shithole there, and they get fucking paid to be lazy here and actually rewarded with more $$ for reproducing..

I like Trump videos with Benny Hill music over them.

Left leaning, though I hate both sides

I consider myself to be fiscally conservative, and very liberal on social issues. I'm probably closest to a libertarian, but I'm not opposed to some government provided health care and other things that many libertarians seem to be steadfast against. Pretty much none of my views are mainstream.

Here's an example of how I think:

I'm all for government funds being used to save the lives of deathly ill children who cannot afford treatment. However, if some fat fuck develops diabetes because of their shitty diet choices they shouldn't get 1 cent from the government. My policies would emphasize personal responsibility, but there are certainly exceptions (like the deathly ill children) where government assistance is more than reasonable.

I'm Noam Chomsky if he hated SJW's and drank like a fish


As long as I can get my ass plowed by a non-descript gentleman, I don't care.

Nazi, cause it's edgy.

im not an important enough person to warrant expressing political beliefs let alone having them. my small life doesn't factor into the grand scheme of political reality and im too small an entity to ever justify being heard. i hate myself for saying this but i kind of lean the way opie does and just don't see the point. why engage in an exercise of futility? who gives a fuck what happens to scum like me and my thoughts have never mattered. it doesnt matter.

Full commie

There is a determined, maybe 10 people, who are apparently massively offended by any sort of racial humor. It's misleading, as a whole, but they're very active and when a group of people work together to down vote such things then it can make a forum look "liberal".

Of course, all actual Liberals are now right-wing Nazi's since what it meant to be a Liberal has been hijacked by a tiny minority of hysterical neo-feminists and Students enabled by the feckless Communist and hippy academics that scuttled into all the institutions like cockroaches after their last Internationale failed.

I'd say this place is still pretty central if you count the opinions expressed as a whole by the contributors, and not the votes on the opinions.

I hold the typical libertarian position on most social issues but I lean hard to the left on economic issues.

I cant even make sense of that in my brain please give an example

What is there to explain? I support the legalization of all drugs, abortion, and all the other stuff libertarians are in favor of, but I'm in favor of stuff like universal healthcare and other social programs.

Government sponsored healthcare means all kinds of stupid regulations like a mandatory gun safety questionnaire when you take your kids to the doctor and them being aware of how many abortions youve had. Ill stick to my cash only abortion clinic fuck that

Abortion is murder.

I think you're being slightly disingenuous

No im a real lofe poor person im not gonna pee in a cup at the doctor so the government knows exactly what drugs im on you need to think this through a little more

Since the enactment of the Patriot Act, librarians have taken to purging user information so the government can't get a hold of it. Simple librarians, who run publicly funded institutions. Do you really believe that doctors, who are required to take classes in ethics in order to get their degree, would allow the government to breach patient-doctor confidentiality?

Yes thats exactly how i ended up with a cps case. Happens every day

Maybe you should stop being a poor, lazy degenerate.

These conspiracy theorists aren't really paranoid. They're just looking for someone to blame because they cant cut it in a world is moving too fast for them to keep up with. "It's Obama's fault!"

That is a patently ignorant, pretentiously elitist statement. How old are you? (Real question)

I was being unfair by generalizing. But I feel it's true for many. 29. And yourself?
