Kickstarter: BaldOpie Cartoon.

100  2016-02-11 by yzyman

Why hasn't this happened yet? I would certainly donate.


There's only so many Lynsi getting plowed by Bam in the background jokes you can do. Still am all in though.

Begin with Harry Hater video while in the background just loud fucking going on. Looking for his kids, he remembers they are with their stepmom Nicole. Opie goes to work in his fucking sedan while talking about "WE'RE GOIN DEEP WITH THE ELTON JOHN TODAY." Plays Rocketman. Walks in, everyone tries to avoid him, he brings up a case of the mondays joke from Office Space and someone who likes him asks how his weekend was, says he talked to Wease, asks the same question back, that someone talks about how they almost drowned and Opie says "THAT'S WHY YOU HAVE ARMS STUPID!!"

Elevator door opens, he gets off laughing at his own joke you could see the red in his face while person is pissed off. Goes into office, sees Jim. Jim is texting Ant. "Jimmay." "Hey, Op" "Ready to get the day goin?!?!?" "Sure." Plays Rocketman to open the show. "That is Rocketman by Sir Elton John, ya know I was goin deep this morning with the Elton." "Oh yeah?" Knock on door, Sherrod walks in doing his blackface Kunta Kinte while Opie near dies of laughter.

Show ends. "Good show Jimmy." "Yeah it was." They both go home, Opie walks into more loud sex moaning from Lynsi being plowed by Bam. He goes to make more viral vids while throwing his jacket over Bam's ass and comes back to sleep where sex is still happening. "Good night Lyns" he says as his bed rocks back and forth and his head keeps hitting the headboard due to the rocking and sleeps with a smile on his face knowing tomorrow the cycle continues.

700 upvotes easily

i would also but baldopie has to have the high-pitch-tits voice too or no deal

ALL IN with the High Pitch Tits BaldOqie. ALLLLLL INNNNNN. Go deep.



I think you could make it like that new cartoon movie with all the emotions in Opie's head. That way you could have high pitch tits- a whiny bitch, baldopie- a man trying to desperately hang onto his looks, check out the empties maan- the guy who's trying to be a college frat boy, philly crew op- the guy who wants to belong to a clique of young fellows, and cuckboy opie- the one who drinks great fruit beer and ignores rumors of his wife banging Bam.

Edit: forgot about Harry the Hater. He'd HAVE to be in there.

The whole thing could be like a Wile E Coyote/Roadrunner thing, except it's Bald Opie trying to keep Bam out of his house to fuck his wife.

That should absolutely be part of it but not the whole thing. It would need to portray as much of his awfulness as possible.

The decision should be made now on whether or not we pitch to standard cable or HBO. HBO would allow full use of everyone's favorite character Harry sucking black dicks.

Does it need to be a black dick? I mean are we set on that? I'm just spitballing here.

or netflik, they will give us more creative freedom

I'll draw up this cartoon in fucking Mario Paint if I have to

I'd be all in

Period. Sniff.

burp, cry

yes pleaseeee.....

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

All in sniff where are we with the BaldOpie Cartoon? What year is it going to be made?

will u also be asking for 200 FUCKIN K???? Damn, when he said he was starting a gofundme, I thought for sure he was gonna be looking for 10-20 grand max..... 200k? wtf!!! Now the people have to fund their own entertainment??? This isnt a single mom w a cancer kid (though he sure look slike one)



Like the office

Opie is to Howard what Michael Scott is to Todd Packer?

Or Opie : Howard = David Brent : Finchy (for you hardcore Office fans)

It would be like Fight Club but Opie's Tyler Durden would be Howard Stern


This is a thing? FFS, we've gone down the rabbit-hole of insider jokes.

we've gone down the rabbit-hole of insider jokes.

lil bit, lil bit.

copy, paste, blind cc, blind cc...


This would not be hard to pull off at all. But nobody will commit to it.

burp, cry